Beer Sage

the wit and wisdom of beer

beer sage - may 2024

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Drinking too much beer can lead to memory loss.....and even worse, memory loss.


Beer should not be served as cold as you ex's heart.


Beer won't solve all your problems but neither will milk.


The only word in the English language that rhymes with Friday is beer.


Beer is the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast. 


If you walk a mile in my shoes you'll end up drinking a beer at the local pub.


If you ever quit drinking beer for good try drinking it for evil.


If you quit drinking yesterday, its time to celebrate your comeback today.


Carrots may be good for your eyes but beer will give you double vision.


If you need sunglasses to open your fridge in the morning you had an awesum night.


Dinosaurs didn't drink beer and we know how that worked out.


There are only 3 reasons to ever run: if someone yells fire, free beer, of the free beer is on fire.


Beer doesn't have many vitamins so that's why you have to drink lots of it.


There's no such thing as strong beer only weak drinkers.


The best beers are the ones you drink with friends.


Beer doesn't ask silly questions, beer understands.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - april 2024

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


If you find it hard to drink beer in the shower take a bath.


The problem with a case of beer is that there's usually not enough to share. 


Beware of people who ask if it's too early to drink beer. 


Some people can go hours without drinking beer.   It's called sleep. 


Beer drinkers are in shape.  Round is a shape. 


In beers defense, people do dumb things when sober too. 


One never rejects free beer. 


If love makes the world go around, then an Imperial IPA makes it go around twice as fast! 


One sip of a great beer will bathe the drooping spirits in delight, beyond the bliss of dreams. 


Beer is sunlight, held together by water 


Beer doesn't ask silly questions.  Beer understands.


Don't worry, beer thinks of you too.


Better than beer after work is beer before work.


Drinking Beer is like pouring a smile on your brain. 


A bottle of strong ale contains more philosophy than all the books in the world  


Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of fresh hop IPA. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - march 2024

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Drinking can make you fit - 14 muscles are activated when opening a beer.


Beer is the answer even if you can't remember the question.


It's better to have a beer and memories than a six-pack and amnesia. 


A good day starts with golf carts and beer.


Never trust a person who doesn't drink beer.


It's time for a beer if your coffee isn't strong enough.


The more beer you drink the more interesting other people become.


Reality is an illusion due to a lack of beer.


Drink beer responsibly - meaning don't spill any.


Nice people drink beer and pet dogs.


There's nothing like drinking a good beer after a good beer.


Don't worry, beer thinks of you too.


Better than beer after work is beer before work.


Some people say laughter is the best medicine, but it’s really a good beer with friends.” 


If you can’t laugh at yourself, crack open another beer and try again.  


Anything worth doing is worth doing with a beer.' 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - february 2024

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Beware of beer's alcohol by volume -the more you drink the louder you get. 


Try random acts of kindness - let someone buy you a beer. 


Beer Speaks. People Mumble


It's a lot easier to start the day if you know it will end with beer.


If you tell yourself to stop drinking beer just remember to never listen to a drunk who talks to himself.


It's a lot easier to start the day if you know it will end with a beer. 


The best soup of the day is beer. 


Beer - because sometimes a triple expresso just isn't strong enough.


Getting drunk on beer is the key to flying comfortably.


If a person asks you if it's too early to drink beer they're an amateur and not your friend.


Don't worry if you drink too much beer, they'll make more. 


Drink the beer you wish to see the world through. 


Beer is a hug in a glass. 


Beer: a magical potion that turns conversations into memories.  


Beer is the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast. 


Anything worth doing is worth doing with a beer.' 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - january 2024

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Enjoy one pint of beer each day for its health benefits, the next two pints will help with witty comebacks and snappy dance moves 


Every empty beer bottle is filled with a story. 


The more beer you drink the more stuff you can ignore. 


Some people bring happiness into your life but real friends bring beer. 


If you tell yourself to stop drinking beer just remember to never listen to a drunk who talks to himself.


It's a lot easier to start the day if you know it will end with a beer. 


Beer is the glue that holds life together.


Beer - because sometimes a triple expresso just isn't strong enough.


Getting drunk on beer is the key to flying comfortably.


It’s useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, drunk, or running for office. 


Never get drunk while wearing a hooded sweatshirt. You will eventually think there’s someone right behind you. 


If you’re thirsty, a beer will cure it, if you’re not, a beer will prevent it. Prevention is better than a cure.


Size matters - no one wants a small glass of beer. 


Anyone can drink beer but it takes intelligence to enjoy it. 


The problem with a case a beer is there's not enough to share. 


It's a lot easier to start the day when you know it will end up with beer. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - december 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


A meal of beer, beer and beer constitutes the perfect food 


Beer Speaks. People Mumble 


The more beer you drink the more stuff you can ignore. 


Beware of beer's alcohol by volume -the more you drink the louder you get. 


If you find it hard to drink beer in the shower take a bath.


Education is important but drinking beer is importanter. 


The problem with one case of beer is that there isn't enough to share. 


Never become friends with someone who asks you if it's too early to drink beer.


The answer may not lie at the bottom of a beer bottle but you should always check. 


Do you know what rhymes with Friday?  Beer. 


One never rejects free beer. 


Mondays are a lot better if you have beer on tap at work.


Beer is like pouring smiles on your brain. 


Beer before beer you're in the clear. 


A beer snobs is anyone who refuses to drink crap beer. 


It's no coincidence that beer rhymes with cheer. 


Never trust a person who thinks there's more to life than beer. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - october 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


If you quit drinking beer yesterday tonight is a good time to celebrate your comeback.


Beer won't solve your problems but neither will milk.


Everyone can't be happy but everyone can drink beer.


If every weekend you say "Susan, stop drinking beer" then be happy you're not Susan.


In beer's defense we've all done stupid things when sober.


You should never take your work home with you. Unless you work in a brewery 


Drink a beer in the morning and the day will be good. 


Eight beers provide the daily requirement of vitamin C. Healthy eating can be so simple. 


Sometimes you run into people who change your life for the better. Those people are called bartenders. 


If anyone asks you to go to the gym with them, tell they've spelled “brewery” wrong. 


It takes beer to make a thirst worthwhile. 


Just being good looking and smart is not enough. You must also be able to drink beer. 


If the long road to the bar is full of ice and snow but sure to walk carefully.


Life is like a beer. Sip by sip you must enjoy it. 


Even when you have drank enough, remember that ale is wonderful stuff. 


Psychologist know little about the conscience – except that it is soluble in beer. 


There comes a time in every person’s life when the only thing that helps is a glass of beer.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - september 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Enjoy a pint of beer each day for its health benefits, the next two will help with witty comebacks and

snappy dance moves.


Every empty beer bottle is filled with a story.


Today's forecast: beer with a chance of weather. 


Too much of anything is bad, but too much beer is just right.” 


It's best to only only drink beer on two occasions, when you are in love and when you am not. 


A few strong beers, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector.


You have only so many bottles of beer in your life so never drink a bad one.


At least once a day you should do something purely for enjoyment - drink a beer.


Drink beer, not labels.


Good beer praises itself.


It's hard to drink 5 glasses of water a day but drinking 5 glasses of beer is so much easier.


If you tell yourself to stop drinking beer just remember to never listen to a drunk who talks to himself.


Life is just a little more honest after two beers. 


He who loves not beer, women and song remains a fool his whole life long. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - august 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


You can’t fix the weather, but you can always fix a drink.


If someone asks you if it’s too early to drink beer, they’re an amateur, and can’t be your friend. 


If your doctor says you need glasses, assume he means glasses of beer.


When in doubt, trust in hops.


There are two kinds of people: those who enjoy beer and the rest of those poor bastards.


Beer runs do count as exercise. 


Education is important, but beer is more importanter.


Occasionally, you will meet people that make your life better. Those people are called bartenders. 


“A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.” 


Don't let your only regret in life be that you did not drink more beer. 


Wine is a turncoat; first a pal, and then an enemy but beer is always a friend.


Life’s too short to have boring friends or drink bad beer.


Beer is like duct tape, it fixes everything.


When in doubt, add more beer – it’s the secret ingredient to any successful friendship.


Drinking ale before 10 AM makes you a pirate, not an alcoholic. 


The first kiss and the first glass of beer are the best. 


Beer is the best way to get inspired.


 The best way to learn about beer is by drinking it. 


Hop vines in the sunlight make for postcard-perfect views! 


Long romantic walks down the beer aisle are the best for any couple.


Sadness can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath, and a lots of beer. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - july 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Beware occasional drinker who goes out for a beer and wakes up in Singapore with a full beard.  


If someone drives you to drink… but be sure they drive you back ,


If you ever quit drinking beer for good then start doing it for evil.


It's best to warm up with at least 4 practice beers before you have an actual one.


All you need is love and beer.  Especially beer.


As not what beer has done for you but what you are willing to do for beer.


Beer is never as useless as the "T" in Pinot Grigio.


There is a time and place for beer - in you hand and now.


Save your carbs for beer; it's called priorities.


You should drink 8 glasses of water a day, the kind with barley and hops.


Make beer the reason you get up every afternoon.


If beer isn't the answer the question is really dumb.


When counting the beers you've had always use dog years.


Some people cannot surrive on beer alone.  They need a dog.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - june 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Age and pints of beer should never be counted. 


Of course size matters. Nobody wants to drink a small glass of beer. 


Beer is the answer, even if you can't remember the question. 


If one can of beer is good for you… Just imagine what a whole case could do.


An empty growler of beer shows achievement .


Drinking beer is just a part of life, like eating food.


Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Double IPA


If you only have regret in life don't let it be you did not drink enough beer.


Beer makes a man more pleased with himself, but not always to others.


Where there’s beer, there’s a way. 


Ask not what beer has done for you, but rather what you’re willing to do for beer. 


Be an outdoorsman, drink beer on the patio.


A true friend reaches for your hand… and puts a glass of beer in it. 


The best beers are the ones we drink with friends. 


If you have lts of money and good beer, your friends will be many. 


Money doesn't but happiness but it buys beer, which is sort of the same thing.


If you decide to stop drinking beer be sure to do it only while you sleep.


There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it after a night of drinking beer.


The problem with some people is that when they aren’t drunk, they’re sober.


Drinking after work is fine, but if you really want to enjoy working then drink before work. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - may 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Lift enough beer cans and you'll be a Beercules. 


Without beer things do not seem to go as well.


Spread cheer with a smile and a beer.


The toughest decision you should be making on a Saturday is bottle or draft.


Don't chase anything but beers and dreams.


It's possible to live without love but not without beer.


If you drink too much beer to forget someone you'll only wind up seeing them double. 


They say there is more to life than beer. Who is "they" and why should I trust them?


Drink the beer you wish to see the world through.


Every empty beer bottle is filled with stories.


A perfect brew can set the world straight. It holds the power to give you the strength to love your friends more, and hate your enemies less.


Nothing will make you as happy as talking about and having a beer with your friends. 


A bottle of beer contains more philosophy than all the books in the world.


A man who lies about beer makes enemies


Beware of beers that taste a lot like I'm not working tomorrow. 


Drinking beer after work is fine, but if you really want toenjoy work then drink before you get there. 


Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle IPA - the hops fade quickly.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - april 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Be independent, but it's okay give into beer pressure. 


It's time to give up jogging if it makes you spill your beer.


Beer can wash you clean of the weather-stains of cares.


 Ask not what beer has done for you, but rather what you’re willing to do for beer.


Beer and friends are a great blend. So is beer and beer.


A good day starts with good beer and ends with good beer.


Drink freely the beer life offers you and don't worry how much you spill.  


The best companions for an intelligent person is a good book and a good beer. 


Wisdom is like a strong beer. It's best appreciated when shared.


The beer in the bottle does not quench thirst. 


The flavor os a great beer is like poetry.


It's ok to really clumsy around beer as long you always spill the whole bottle down your throat. 


Sadness can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath, and a case of beer. 


Beer is sunlight, held together by water, barley, and hops.


The best days to drink beer are the ones that end in y.


It's best to only drink beer in groups of one or more 


Beer is always the right thing to say. 



Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - march 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Drink beer.  It's cheaper than therapy.


Beer pairs best with beer. 


Drink plenty of water when hot.  Beer is 99% water. 


                   If you saved all the money you spent on beer you'd probably spend it on beer. 


If a woman drove you to drink have the decency to thank her. 


Compromises are for relationships, not wine. 


Beer is the liquid quintessence of concentrated sunbeams 


Never drink boring beer.


You' can't buy happiness buy you by beer and that's kind of the same thing.


Shhh... listen carefully, that's beer calling you. 


The best way to learn about beer is by drinking lots of it.


In beer's defense we've all done stupid things when sober.


It's best to only drink beer on days that begin with "T"-- Today and Tomorrow


Be careful.  A few beers increases the size of the "send" button by 80%


If you run out of coffee in the morning be aware that beer is a suitable replacement.


Love the beer you're with. 


As long as you have beer, family holidays will be fine. 


Craft beer is bottled poetry. 


If you follow your heart it will lead you to beer.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - february 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


When it comes to drinking good beer never limit happy to just an hour.


There might be better things in the world than beer but beer makes up for not having any of them.


The liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself. Thank it by having a beer.


Drinking beer is like eating potato chips. You can't have just one.


We would all be happy if the air was a pure as beer.


B-E-E-R stands for brew, enjoy, empty, repeat 


You can use meditation and relaxation to handle stress but three beers does a better job.


If you can't fix it with duck tape or beer then it's not worth fixing.


The best bottled water is the one with barely and hops. 


The best way to share beer with a friend is to have them open it and you drink it.


Follow your dreams. If you really wanted beer yesterday have one now.  


It's so simple to be wise when drinking beer. Just think of something you want to say and then don't say it.


A meal of beer, beer and beer constitutes the perfect 3 course dinner.


Beer is the holy libation of sincerity. 


Try random acts of kindness - let someone buy you a beer.


The more beer you drink the more stuff you can ignore. 


Beer Speaks. People Mumble


Be picky about your friends and your beer. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - january 2023

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


The best bucket list - ice and beer.


A beer snobs is anyone who refuses to drink crap beer.


It's okay to bring cheap beer to a party as long as you drink the expensive ones that other brought..


The answer may not lie at the bottom of a beer bottle but you should always check. 


Age and glasses of beer should never be counted. 


Spread cheer with a smile and a beer.


The toughest decision you should be making on a Saturday is bottle or draft.


Beer is not the answer.  Beer is the question.


Don't chase anything but beers and dreams.


It's possible to live without love but not without beer.


If you drink too much beer to forget someone you'll only wind up seeing them double.


Lift enough beer cans and you'll be a beercules.


Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much beer to drink.


The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re an IPA


Beer flies when you're having fun. 


It's best to only drink beer when you're alone or with someone else.


If you had a dollar for every time you said "I'm not drinking again" you would be able to buy a lot more beer.


A bottle of beer is good for your health. The rest of the six pack is good for morale. 


If you find it hard to drink beer in the shower then take a bath.


Seven days without beer makes one weak. 


It doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There is clearly room for more beer. 


A little beer never hurt anyone.


Never trust a person who doesn't drink beer.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.



beer sage - december 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


If you run out of coffee in the morning beer is a reasonable replacement.


If you can’t be with the one you love, love the beer you’re with. 


Wine improves with age, you'lI improve with beer. 


If someone tells you his non-alcoholic beer was delicious, tell him he has no proof. 


Beer is the best reason to get out of bed every afternoon.


 The problem with some people is that when they are not drunk, they’re sober. 


Things will work out if you have love, laughter, and beer.


It's best to drink beer when you're happy, and when you're sad. It's also good to drink it when you're alone. When you have company, it's obligatory. Enjoy it when you are not hungry and drink it when you are. Otherwise never touch it – unless you're thirsty. 


A good beer starts and ends with a smile.  


Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of beer.


After the rain the grass will grow; after beer, conversation.


If you have money and beer, your friends will be many.


Every beer would like to be a Double IPA.


Beer is the window into a person.


A gourmet pizza without a glass of beer is just tragic.


 The best beers are the ones we drink with friends. 


Beware of camels and anyone else who can go a week without a beer. 


Meditation and relaxation can't handle stress as well as your third beer.


It's best to avoid people who say it's too early for a beer.


If you want to drink water make sure it's with barley and hops.


Beer is not a good cocktail-party drink, especially in a home where you don’t know where the bathroom is 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - november 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


The beer in the bottle does not quench thirst. 


You have only so many beers in your life, so never drink a bad one. 


Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of strong ale.


Beer is like rain: when it strikes the good soil wakes it to beauty and bloom. 


Great craft beer makes every day more civilized. 


From beer good friendships grow.


If you're ever stuck between a crisis and a catastrophe, then you  may as well a few pints of beer.


The best way to learn about beer is the drinking. 


Which beer is sold out the soonest is sometimes a more telling evaluation system than any other. 


Whether beer is a nourishment, medicine or poison is a matter of dosage. 


A good beer starts and ends with a smile. 


One should not only drink beer, but smell it, observe it, taste it, and talk about it. 


Always keep a bottle of good beer in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes, the special occasion is that you’ve got a bottle of good beer in the fridge. 


Be a beer enthusiast. The more beer you drink, the more enthusiastic you'll get.


The best kind of beer is that which is most pleasant to him who drinks it.


Only drink beer when you're alone or with someone. 


Beer makes daily living easier, less hurried with fewer tensions and more tolerance 


Compromises are for relationships, not beer.


Drinking beer on the treadmill ‘isn't a safety hazard, it's multi-tasking.


Follow your heart and it will lead you to the closest brewery. 


It’s okay if the only exercise you do today is lifting your beer up to your mouth 


The most important cooking instruction is to remember to add beer to the chef. 


It's okay to give into beer pressure.


Pizza alone won’t fill the emptiness inside you, you’ll also need a beer! 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - october 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


The worst regret you can have in life is that you didn't drink enough beer.


Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of beer.


There is truth in beer, but you never see it listed in the ingredients on the label 


Never make an excuse for going to the pub, save it for leaving. 


Take time to thank Heaven that in a sometimes troubled world there is still so good a thing as beer.


When you win, you deserve beer; when you lose, you need it.


You may want to consider cutting back your beer drinking when the bartender knows your name — 

and you’ve never been to that bar before.


The problem with the world is that everyone is a few beers behind.


You haven't had too many beers if you can lie on the floor without holding on. 


Home is were the beer is.


Beer is the answer even if you can't remember the question.


For a great day you need a good book, cheese, fine weather, a cooler filled with beer, and 

a little music played outdoors by somebody you don't now. 


Coffee will help you change the things you can... and beer will help you accept the things you can't.


Beer is to some people as duct tape is to others, it fixes EVERYTHING!” 


When it comes to beer you might need to get acquainted with mediocrity to notice greatness.


Meditation can calm you down but that would take time. Beer has a faster effect.


Happy people don’t have the best of everything… They just drink more beer than most.


Drink beer because problems aren't going to forget themselves.


It is not the beer that makes us drunk, but the one who brings it and fills the glass.


Mediocre beer gives one ideas, whereas good beer gives one strategies. 


If you must drink water but sure it's in beer form.


Beer knows that having passion for life is an art itself 



Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - septeber 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


You have only so many bottles in your life, never drink a bad one.


Drinking good beer with good food in good company is one of life's most civilized pleasures.


Good beer praises itself. 


Penicillin cures, but beer makes people happy.


Beer cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil. 


The pleasures beer afford may be transitory, but so are those of the ballet or of a musical performance. 


Making good beer is a skill; making great craft beer is an art. 


The best superpower is making beer disappear.


Good beer is sunlight held together by water.


The connoisseur does not drink beer but tastes of its secrets. 


If you always want clean shirtss, it's best to buy ones that are the same color your beer.


Compromises are for relationships, not beer.


If a life of beer, women and song becomes too much, give up the singing.  


Whether beer is a nourishment, medicine or poison is a matter of dosage. 


An empty bottle of beer is better than a filled one. It shows achievement. 


Really good beer will start and end with a smile.


We are all mortal until the first kiss and the third glass of beer. 


The best use of bad beer is to drive away poor relations. 


The best way to learn about beer is in the drinking. 


It's wise to save your carbs for beer, it’s called priorities. 


A good day starts with coffee and ends with a few beers. 


There may be more to life than beer alone, but beer makes those things even better. 



Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - august 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Beer is appropriate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Plus snack time. 


A gourmet meal without a glass of beer just seems tragic  


Compromises are for relationships, not beer.


One not only drinks beer, one smells it, observes it, tastes it, sips it and one talks about it. 


Always keep a six pack in the fridge for special occasions.  You know, like Wednesdays. 


For a great soup try beer with croutons. 


Pessimists see their beer glass as half empty, optimists are already opening another bottle.  


One kind word can change a person's day - "beer".


It easy to be a morning person if your coffee maker brewed beer.


A day without beer probably won't kill you but why risk it?


Nothing is better than a glass of good beer....except two.


If you're dieting, it's best to save your carbs for beer.  It's called priorities.


Brewers enjoy working to make beer as much as drinking beer instead of working. 


Never underestimate the power of positive drinking.


Too err is human, to forgive takes lots of beer.


Pizza alone won’t fill the emptiness inside you, you’ll also need a beer! 


If you must drink water make sure it's served with barley and hops.


It's not a coincidence that beer rhymes with beer.


Friends bring happiness into you life.  Best friends bring beer.


Beer doesn't ask silly questions.  Beer understands.


The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap so drink more beer.



Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - july 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


If you want to enjoy ironing put some beer in the steam iron. 


You can't get drunk on beer yourself, though you might have been overserved


Drink your beer responsibly.  That means don’t spill it 


 Beer is sunlight, held together by water. 


Beer is man’s universal translator. 


Quaffing a beer is like drinking, but you spill more.


In beer's defense, people do some idiotic things sober. 


Beer has food value, but food has no beer value. 


The only thing to throwback on Thursday is a pint of beer.


Try cooking with beer.  Sometimes even add it to the food.


Wine is made by men, beer by God. 


The best kind of beer is that which is most pleasant to him who drinks it. 


It's best to only drink beer when you're alone or with someone. 


A can of beer is good for your health. The rest of the six pack is good for morale.


If one beer is good for you… Just imagine what a whole case could do.


An empty bottle of beer is better than a filled one. It shows achievement. 


There's only one word that rhymes with Friday -  "Beer"


Drinking beer is lot riding a bike, except you can just sit there. Much easier. 


For optimum health, stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don't drink too much beer. Then again, don't drink too little. 


There comes a time in everyone's life when the only thing that helps is a couple of pints of beer


Too much of anything is bad, but too much beer is just right. 



Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - june 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         " You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Hangovers are temporary. Drunk stories are forever.”


A true friend reaches for your hand and puts a beer glass in it.


“If you don’t drink beer how will your friends know you love them at 2 a.m.? 


At least once a year have a night you will never remember with the friends you’ll never forget. 


Be sure not to drink to health just before you fall down. 


Never confuse people you want to drink with and people who make you want to drink.


There are five reasons for drinking beer : the arrival of a friend, one’s present or future thirst, the      excellence of the brew or any other reason.


Friendship is sitting over a beer with someone and forgetting the worries in life


 The best alternative to giving up beer is to join a family of traveling acrobats.


A meal of bread, cheese, beer, and more beer constitutes the perfect food. 


Beer may cause you to digress – and lead a happier life. 


To take beer into our mouths is to savor a droplet of the river of human wonder. 


Four pints of beer can end a hundred quarrels.


Beer is appropriate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  And as a snack.


Never let your only regret in life be that you didn’t drink enough beer. 


Compromises are for relationships, not beer.


A can of beer is good for your health… the rest of the 6 pack is good for your morale. 


Penicillin cures, but beer makes people happy. 


Always keep a few bottles of beer in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes, the special occasion is that you’ve got bottles of beer in the fridge. 


More important than the food pairing is the person with whom you drink the beer.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 The Beer Sage.


beer sage - may 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

                                                         "  You really don't need fun to have a beer."


Beer drinkers never get drunk but on occasion they are overserved.

Of course size matters. No one wants a small glass of beer. 

Don't drink beer to drown your problems; many problems are damn good swimmers. 

Beer is one of the most popular of all remedies that won’t cure a cold. 

Don't say no to beer, it's just not going to listen.

Be careful of people who drink their beer fast, they often pay slow.

Beer is not the answer. Beer is the question. Yes is the answer.

If you follow your heart it will lead you to beer.

Beer is the best anesthesia for the tribulations of life. 

Too much of anything is bad, but too much beer is just right. 

It's no coincidence that beer rhymes with beer.

Beer is the only virtual reality you need.

The best water to drink is the one with barley and hops.

The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap so stay safe - drink more beer.

Everything you need in life you can learn from beer.

Beer is now cheaper than gas, drink don't drive.

If you can't remember someone's name just say "want a beer?" and they'll turn around.

Pizza alone won't fill the emptiness inside you,  You'll also need a beer.

Beer - it's what your right arm is for.

 There is nothing for a case of nerves like a case of beer. 

For good health spend time outdoors, drink beer on the porch.

If you have a beer drinking shirt it's best to wear it everyday.

Who loves not beer and song, He will be a fool his whole life long. 

Always drink to celebrate an occasion and when you have no occasion to celebrate 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 the Beer Sage.


beer sage - april 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

You really don't need fun to have a beer.


There's no need to have a big bottle collection of beers, just save the caps.


If you want a mixed drink try ordering half a glass of beer with half a glass of beer.


If you begin to think you're drinking too much beer it's best to give up thinking.


Not all who wander are lost, they just can find their beer glass.


If you're saving a special beer for a rainy day remember it's raining somewhere.


It's easy to be a morning person if you coffee maker brews beer.


Some say laughter is the best medicine but a double IPA works even better.


If it rained beer people wouldn't need umbrellas. 


A day without beer probably won't kill you but why risk it?


Save you carbs for beer.  It's called priorities. 


A party without beer is just a meeting.


If someone says you're slurring your words from too much beer tell them it's just a foreign accent.


If beer isn't the answer have them rephrase the question.


Just the act of pouring a beer can calm the mind.


You should never pretend to be something you're not, except sober when need be.


There are five basic reasons to drink beer: the arrival of a friend, one's state of thirst, to evoke cleverness, the excellence of the beer, or any other reason.


It's not a coincidence that if you have joy in your heart you have a beer in your hand.


All you need for a happy life is love and beer...maybe some chocolate and a nap too, but mostly the beer.


People are like beers, it's not good to keep things bottled up.


Life is all the stuff you do between coffee time and beer time.


If we're not meant to have beer at midnight then why else is there a light in the fridge?


A glass of good beer can make even a dreary Monday seem like Saturday night.



Keep drinking and thinking.


 the Beer Sage.


beer sage - march 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

There is nothing for a case of nerves like a case of beer. 


A day without beer won't kill you but why risk it?


Good people drink good beer but some bad people drink good beer too.


A little bit of beer is divine medicine. 


If a woman drove you to drink have the decency to thank her. 


Beer is a cog in the wheel of nutritional foods.


Do not allow children to pour beer. It is unseemly and they spill a lot. 


Beer is magic water for fun people.


If you go on a diet, swear off drinking beer and heavy eating, in fourteen days you'll lose two weeks 


You know you've reached total enlightenment while drinking beer, when the beer shoots out your nose.


Beer thinks about you all day too.


Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of good beer 


There can’t be good living where there is not good beer. 


If the world is treating you the way a baby treats a diaper multiple pints of beer will help.


It's best to limit you beer drinking to days that end in "y".


It's heartbreaking to realize the every slice of bread could have become a beer.


If you don't know what else to do, drink beer.


A beer in hand is worth more than 2 in the cooler.


Beer may not solve all your problems but neither will water or milk.


Beer is the best reason to wake up every afternoon.


Something bad is bound to happen when a someone says hold my beer and watch this.


Keep drinking and thinking.


 the Beer Sage.


beer sage - february 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

If at first you don't succeed try drinking a beer while you do it. You'll be amazed how much less you care.


Be nice, be useful - bring beer.


If you need a workout drink a Triple IPA instead of a regular one.


A bar decorated with neon beer lights welcomes everyone.


You don't have to read a book on self help.; just read your beer mat.


Beer is the perfect temporary solution to any problem.


If you quit drinking beer yesterday it's best to celebrate your comeback tonight.


It's a lot easier to start the day when you know it will end in beer.


Beer is like pouring smiles on your brain.


Hangovers are temporary.  Beer drinking stories are forever.


There are better things in life than beer but beer compensates for not getting them.


Pizza alone won’t fill the emptiness inside you, you’ll also need a beer! 


If you put beer in a coconut it's best to throw the can away.


Drinking  too much beer doesn’t make you fat, it makes you lean … against bars, tables, chairs and poles.”


Walk around the block on a hot summer day and you'll discover why beer was invented.


When you’re out of ideas, think with a beer. 


The beer you might hate today you might love tomorrow.


When life hands you lemons, make beer and invite the whole world to rejoice with you 


It is the brewer who makes good beer, not the equipment. 


When beer enlightens you, every word is wisdom. 


Keep drinking and thinking.


 the Beer Sage.


beer sage - january 2022

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life


You're not just buying  beer, you're buying a lifestyle 


Everything you always wanted can be found in a beer.


Nothing should ever come between you and a good beer.


Drink beer, because smiling makes you thirsty.


When you’re out of ideas, think with a beer. 


Pizza alone won’t fill the emptiness inside you, you’ll also need a beer! 


Sometimes you need a break.  Only drink beer on days that end with “Y” 


It takes beer to make a thirst worthwhile. 


if you go on a diet, swear off drinking beer and heavy eating, in fourteen days you'll have lost two weeks. 


Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of beer.


If at first you don't succeed, try a bottle opener. It probably isn't a twist-top.


You can't find happiness at the bottom of a beer. No one is happy when their beer runs out 


If you decide to do a juice cleanse. make sure that by juice you mean beer.


Dinosaurs didn't drink craft beer and now they're extinct. Coincidence?


Nobody should drive you to drink… but be sure they drive you back. 


There is nothing more frequent than an occasional pint of beer.


The mouth of perfectly happy man is filled with beer. 


In beer’s defense, don't forget that people some pretty stupid stuff while sober, too. 


If true love had a taste it would be craft beer


Cheers and happy new year from the Beer Sage


beer sage - december 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

Beer is good but beers are better.


A good beer starts and ends with a smile


The fun part about beer is having lots to do and not doing it. 


Beer is the feast of reason and the flow of the soul.


Home is where the beer is waiting.


When times get hectic and busy, stop and take time to smell the hops.


The best use of bad beer is to drive away unwanted visiting relatives.


There are five reasons for drinking beer: the arrival of a friend, one's present or future thirst, 

the excellence of the beer, or any other reason. 


If you are at a bar drinking to forget please pay first.


If you want to be an outdoorsman drink beer on your patio.


Money doesn't buy happiness unless you spend it on beer.


Drink all the beer you want, they'll make more.


The lottery gives you a one in 200 million chance that you won't be at work tomorrow, 

beer gives you a 1 in 5.


Beer is not the answer.  Beer is the question.  The answer is yes!


Beer is like pouring smiles on your brain.


It is what it is, but a beer always helps.


Don't believe everything you hear, especially yourself if you say you're only having one beer.


You know she's too good for you if all you drink is Bud Light and she only drinks Double IPAs.


Make beer the reason you get up every morning and you won't regret it.


Some beers will give you a big hangover.  It's usually the 18th.


What beer will not cure there is no cure for.


beer sage - november 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

An empty bottle of beer is almost better than a filled one. It shows achievement. 


One not only drinks great beer, one smells it, observes it, tastes it, sips it and one talks about it.


The best way to cook beer soup is to have only ingredient - beer.


 Penicillin may cure you, but beer will make you happy.


Beer can wash you clean of the weather-stains of cares. 


Reality is just an illusion that occurs due to lack of beer. 


The discovery of craft beer was better for mankind than the discovery of a new star. 


Beware of a diet that doesn't allow beer -- in fourteen days all you will have lost will be two weeks. 


If a life of beer, women and song becomes too much, give up singing. 


Never get drunk while wearing a hooded sweatshirt. You will eventually think there’s someone right behind you.


If you’re thirsty, a beer will cure it, if you’re not, a beer will prevent it. Prevention is better than a cure. 


Making beer is a skill. Making great craft beer is an art. 


If your doctor says all your beer drinking is leading to a slow death, be happy.  You're in no hurry. 


A very important rule in life is don’t drink beer when you are sleeping.


Never forget that beer still in a bottle does not quench thirst.


Being a beer "geek" means you care more about quality than quantity. 


Beer makes daily living easier, less hurried with fewer tensions and more tolerance. 


Strong beer cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil. 


Be a hero, rescue some beer trapped in a bottle.


If you find it hard to drink beer in the shower, take a bath.


beer sage - october 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

Never get drunk while wearing a hooded sweatshirt. You will eventually think there’s someone behind you. 


Don't be the kind of guy who goes out for a beer and wakes up in Singapore with a full beard. 


It's better to die of thirst than drink from the cup of mediocrity


The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober


The one disadvantage of drinking too much beer is that it makes a man mistake words for thought.


 Claret is the liquor for boys; port, for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink beer.


 If you drink a lot of beer, don’t drive. Don’t even putt. 


The mouth of a perfectly happy person is filled with beer.


Even the best brewer sometimes makes bad beer. 


Caution is the parent of delicate beer-glasses. 


Bread is the staff of life, but beer's life itself. 


Better thin beer than an empty jug. Better weak beer than an empty cask. 


It’s useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, had too much beer, or running for office.


If you’re thirsty, a beer will cure it, if you’re not, a drink will prevent it. 


How drunk you get is caused by the amount of beer you consume in relation to your total body weight. The point is that It’s not that you had too much to drink. You’re just too skinny. 


A warm beer is still a good beer, despite what modern country singers say 


Drink beer to celebrate a major event such as the fall of communism or the fact that the refrigerator is still working. 




beer sage - september 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

Wine is but single broth, ale is meat, drink, and cloth. 


A man who lies about beer is sure to make enemies 


If you ever go missing arrange to have your picture put on a beer bottle instead of a milk carton 

so that only fun people find you.


A beer snob is a person who refuses to drink crap beer.


Drink beer like it's your day job.


We know little about the conscience – except that it is soluble in beer.


Beer will get you through time of no money better than money will get you through times of no beer.


Beer improves with age. The older you get, the better you'll like it. 


The discovery of beer is of greater moment than the discovery of a constellation. The universe is too full of stars 


Penicillin cures, but beer makes people happy. 


When beer goes in, wisdom come out.


Enjoy the great outdoors.  Drink beer on the porch.


Beer is like duct tape, it fixes everything.


Unlike milk, it's okay to cry over spilled beer.


If you doctor tells you to watch how much beer you drink find a bar with lots of mirrors.


Distrust camels and anyone else that can go a week without a beer.


Friends bring happiness into your life; best friends bring beer.


A day without drinking beer won't kill you but why risk it.


If someone tells you to stop drinking beer remind them you're no quitter!


For maximum health benefits only drink beer three days a week - yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


There are just two kinds of people in the world.  Those you want to have a beer with and

those who make you need to have a beer.


Every weekend say to yourself "Charlie, you have to stop drinking so much beer."  

Then be happy your nae isn't Charlie.


beer sage - august 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

         You can learn to use meditation and relaxation to handle stress but the better way is to just drink            three glasses of beer.


If you ever want to workout remember a beer run counts as exercise.


It's best not to make friends with someone who asks "is it to early to drink beer?"


They say there's more to life than beer but who is "they" and why would you trust them?


Just a little bit of beer is divine medicine.


It's best to drink beer if you're alone or with someone else.


It's best to have a big glass of beer after a big glass of beer.


Not all who wander are lost, sometimes they just can't find their beer.


If only it would rain beer you'd never need an umbrella.


Save your carbs for beer; it's called priorities.


A party without beer is just a meeting.


The weather is always nice in a beer store.


Always carry a bottle opener with you and the beer will provide itself.


Drinking beer is like riding a bike except you just sit there.


Just think of your receipt from the beer store as a prescription for good health.


Sometimes the best things in life are the simple things like having cheese doodles and beer.


The great thing about beer is....everything.


A closed mouth gathers no beer.


Fill your glass with a double IPA and you'll be happy all day.


Unlike milk, it's okay to cry over spilled beer.


beer sage - july 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

The love for beer obeys no clock.


if they don't serve beer there, they shouldn't call it a Family Fun Center. 


Drink responsibly - don't spill your beer.


Save your carbs for beer; it's called having priorities.


Real beer drinkers never get drunk, they just become a bit louder and have more fun.


Today's forecast partly cloudy with 100% chance of beer.


Try cooking with beer, sometimes even put it in the food.


Beer, because one cannot expect to stay sober all morning.


There comes a time in the day that no matter what the question the answer is beer.


If life give you lemons, sell them to buy beer.


Never ask anyone chugging beers from a bottle how they're doing.


If at first you don't succeed try drinking a strong ale.  You'll be amazed at how much less you care.


Don't be the kind of person who's above pairing beer with beer.


Don't blame beer for doing dumb things, you've done plenty of them when sober too.


There are two types of people in the world, people you want to drink with and people who make you drink.


If you're the rare person who can't survive on beer alone get a dog.


Enjoy a pint of beer a day for its health benefits.  The other pints are for witty comebacks and

 flawless dance moves.


Don't worry if your beer can doesn't have an expiration date, it would never make it there anyway.


Beer is like potato chips, you can't have just one.


beer sage - june 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

    Take one sip of breakfast beer and the sun comes up inside you.     


           A man can survive a whole weekend with only three things:  beer, boxer shorts                      

 and batteries for the remote control. 


Be a rugged outdoorsman - drink beer on patios.


Love hops and live the dream.


A beer snob is just a person who refuses to drink bad beer.


The way to a man's heart is through his liver.


Paintings are like a beer. Only beer tastes good, and it's hard to stop drinking beer. 


          Better weak beer than an empty cask.    


Beer is is capable of producing far more joy than most people realize. 


Beware of a drinking lot of beer and a Karaoke song list.  It can be a lethal combination.


Unfortunately almost all our beer knowledge comes from Budweiser, Miller, and Coors. It's as if all we    knew about food we learn from McDonalds. 


The first rule of free beer is to drink it.


Drink beer because you shouldn’t keep things bottled up.


 Drinking beer after work is fine, but if you really want to enjoy working then drink it before work 


A bottle of beer contains more philosophy than all the books in the world. 


Beer sage - may 2021

The Sage's Lessons From A Beer Life

The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.


Beer is a cog in the wheel of nutritional foods so drink heartedly.


Paintings are like a beer. Only beer tastes good, and it's hard to stop drinking beer.


Bread is the staff of life, but beer is life itself.


If you bring cheap beer to a party make sure you drink the good beer first.


Beer should never be served as cold as your ex-girlfriend's heart.


Life is a little more honest after three beers.


Beer, because you don't make friends with salad.


The answer may not lie at the bottom of a beer bottle but you should always check. 


A happy home runs on love, laughter and strong beer. 


If a woman drives you to drink and be sure to have the decency to thank her. 


Beer will get you through time of no money better than money will get you through times of no beer.


Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of good beer. 


If a life of beer, gambling, and song becomes too much, give up singing 


Only an amateur with few friends asks if it's too early to have a beer


If you quit drinking beer for good you might try drinking it for evil.

Beer Sage - April 2021

Lessons of life from the Beer Sage 

A meal without beer is called breakfast (though Guinness on Cheerios isn't bad).


If beer isn't the answer then please rephrase the question.


Just the act of pouring beer into a glass can calm the soul.


Beer pairs best with beer.


The answer may not be at the bottom of a bottle of beer but you should at least check.


Never look at your glass as half empty, look at it as halfway to your next beer.


Drink beer like it's your day job.


Home is where you keep your beer.


It's no coincidence that beer rhymes with beer.


Beer will change the world, I'm just not sure how.


Every loaf of bread is a tragic story of grains that could have become beer.


Pubs are the official sunscreen for beer drinkers.


If there's no beer there, don't go.


You should only run for three reasons - one someone yells:

  "fire", "free beer", or "the free beer is on fire"

Beer Sage - March 2021

Lessons of life from the Beer Sage 

The best way to take life is one beer at a time.


The only thing better than a glass of beer is a growler... or owning a brewery in Brooklyn


Drinking beer after work is fine, but if you really want to enjoy work then drink before you get there. 


Age and glasses of beer should never be counted.


If you reward yourself with well earned large glass of beer after a long week be sure it isn't Tuesday.


Drinking beer on the weekend is recreational, drinking it during the week is medicinal.


First thing on your bucket list is to fill it with beer.


You can't buy happiness but you can buy beer which is just about the same thing.


Nothing beats a nice, long walk down the beer aisle.


Enjoy a glass of beer a day for its health benefits. The others are for witty comebacks 

and slick dance moves.


If life gives you lemons sell them to buy beer.


Beer Sage - February 2021


If you quit drinking beer for good try doing it for evil.


When people say that You'll regret drinking all that beer in the morning just sleep 

until late afternoon.


It's best to drink beer like it's your day job.


It's a lot easier to start the day when you know it will end with beer.


The best way to drink water is to filter it through a brewery.


Life and beer are very similar; chill for best results


Never look at your beer as half empty.   See it as halfway to your next beer.


If someone says you're hard to shop for show the where to buy beer.


It's best to have one beer at a time.... until it's all gone


Love has four letters - so does beer 




f you quit drinking beer yesterday tonight is a good time to celebrate your comeback.


Beer won't solve your problems but neither will milk.


Everyone can't be happy but everyone can drink beer.


If every weekend you say "Susan, stop drinking beer" then be happy you're not Susan.


In beer's defense we've all done stupid things when sober.


It's best to only drink beer on days that begin with "T" Today and Tomorrow


Be careful.  A few beers increases the size of the "send" button by 80%


If you run out of coffee in the morning be aware that beer is a suitable replacement.


You should try cooking with beer and sometime even add it to the food


In general camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a beer.
