Your voice on the school board

Schools are the backbone of our community. They provide our future thinkers, leaders and active citizens. From the moment we moved into the district I felt the pride in the community and the strong roots stemming from the families that have been here for generations. I want to support the progress our district has achieved thus far while keeping the well-being of each student in the forefront of future decisions.

I currently have a 4th grader at Weisenberg and an 8th grader in NWL middle school. I have been involved in the PTO Executive Board at Weisenberg Elementary for over 6 years, PTO at Northwestern Lehigh Middle School for 3 years and various other community involvement from scouts to NYAA. My goal is to help create a more well rounded school board by providing a voice for our younger students.

While on the PTO board I made a point to work closely with our counterpoint PIE at Northwestern Elementary and plan activities we could host together. I want to continue working with the teachers I love at Weisenberg and NWLMS and meet the ones I don’t know yet and continue to strengthen this amazing community we all live in!