
Understating the coherent interaction of light and hot atomic gases is the broad area of my research work. The research of hot atomic spectroscopy is a potential candidate for the application of quantum technology. Due to the experimental simplicity of the vapor cell they are one of the promising candidate for the quantum technology devices. This has applications of quantum sensors, storing images or information, metrology, magnetometery, optical rotation etc. Experimental and theoretical studies of the coherent interaction is the main area of my doctoral research. Apart from the basic understanding of the coherent phenomena I have also worked on some applications of the phenomena. Recently We have demonstrated subluminal light propagation in V type electromagnetically induced transparency. Also a magnetometry experiment has been carried out where we have demonstrated how to detect a vector magnetic field.


Experimentally we study the spectroscopy of the Rubidium atomic vapors with external cavity diode lasers (ECDL) and distributed feedback lasers (DFB). Study of the coherent interactions i.e. electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA), Autler-Townes (AT) splitting has been done experimentally.

Using the coherent properties we have shown how we can use the atomic system can be used for some applications. We demonstrated subluminal propagation of light in V-type EIT. Further We have recently ventured how the coherent property of the atomic medium can be used to make a vector magnetometer. We have also studied the optical rotation using the dispersive property of the atomic medium.I have also worked on the twisting properties of the photons using ring shaped solitons. We have generated the ring shaped solitons e.g. Laguerre- Gaussian beams in our laboratory. In presence of the solitons the coherent behavior is greatly modified due to is transverse intensity distribution and the vortex phase. The transverse intensity distribution gives rise to the spatially dependent Rabi frequency.

experimental slides


Theoretical studies of the coherent interaction is a major part of my research. To study the dynamics of the atomic interactions I have solved the Maxwell-Bloch equations both numerically and analytically.

For analytical solution multi-mode theory using Green functions, pole structure calculations are used We have also successfully solved the analytical solutions of susceptibility χ of the medium in three and four level systems considering the thermal velocity distribution of atoms. In general the susceptibility is solved numerically. For the calculation of the probe coherence of the higher order system considering all the Zeeman sub-levels we use Atomic Density Matrix (ADM): a user extensible Mathematica package by Simion Rochester for numerical calculation.

Interactions of the twisting photons gives rise to mane interesting phenomena. The interaction of the vortex phase gives rise to spatial dependent EIT. The spatially dependent EIT has applications for the storage of high-dimensional optical information in phase-dependent quantum memories. Currently I am working on the interaction of this soliton phase interactions.

Untitled presentation