Humanizing Online STEM Showcase

 Alessandro Baldi, Physics/Astronomy Instructor, Butte College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, a professional development program funded by the California Education Learning Lab and administered by the Foothill DeAnza Community College District.


Where I was.

Prior to starting the Humanizing STEM Academy, I had previously taught both fully online and hybrid courses, a practice that intensified due to the onset of Covid. Recognizing the need to enhance my online instructional skills further, I decided to join the Academy. My enrollment was motivated by the anticipation that the knowledge gained would contribute to my improvement as an online instructor, and indeed, it proved beneficial.

Where I am.

The Humanizing Online STEM Academy has been a transformative experience for me, providing a comprehensive platform for acquiring essential skills to infuse a human touch into my online presence. As highlighted in this showcase, the program afforded me the opportunity to construct key elements vital for humanizing my virtual interactions. Moreover, the academy has been instrumental in broadening my technological toolkit. I have gained valuable proficiency in utilizing tools such as Flip, Google Sites, and Adobe Express, which were previously unfamiliar to me. This newfound knowledge not only enhances my instructional capabilities but also enriches the overall online learning experience for my students. The diverse set of skills acquired through the academy has not only refined my approach to online teaching but has also opened up new avenues for creative and engaging content delivery.

Where I am going.

After completing the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, my plan is to enhance my online courses by integrating tools such as the Liquid Syllabus and transitioning to smaller, more frequent lecture segments instead of synchronous Zoom sessions. I'll also leverage collaborative platforms like Flip and Google Sites to promote interactive learning and community building among students. Continuous reflection and adaptation will guide improvements, and I'll stay engaged in professional development to remain informed about evolving trends in online education.

Liquid Syllabus

Within my Liquid Syllabus, I've streamlined essential information for a successful first week, offering students a simplified guide. Beyond the basics, I share personal and professional details, including my teaching philosophy, creating an avenue for students to begin building trust. Embedded within this syllabus are a course pact and support links, tangible manifestations of my commitment to students' learning even before the course officially starts. This comprehensive approach aims to not only provide logistical details but also to establish a foundation of trust and support, prioritizing the students' educational journey right from the outset.

Screenshot of my Course Card showing a diverse population of students observing through a telescope

Course Card

The course card image featuring a diverse group of students observing the cosmos through a telescope for my astronomy online course is chosen to convey inclusivity and extend a warm invitation to all learners. This visual representation not only reflects our collective fascination with the universe but also signals the value placed on diverse perspectives in the course. It serves as a welcoming message, encouraging students from various backgrounds to join in the exploration of the celestial realm, fostering a sense of belonging and excitement in our shared journey through the cosmos.


The humanized homepage of my astronomy online course is thoughtfully designed to serve as a kindness cue, fostering a sense of social inclusion among students. The banner prominently displays the course name and my name, establishing a personal connection. Quick links to essential pages, such as Start Here, Week 1 Module, Syllabus, and the discussion board, ensure easy navigation, demonstrating a commitment to clarity and accessibility. The inclusion of my picture, playfully "holding" the Pisa leaning tower, adds a touch of personality, aiming to create a friendly and approachable atmosphere. By providing contact information, I extend an invitation for open communication. This intentionally crafted homepage seeks to go beyond mere functionality, actively signaling to students that this online space is not just a learning platform but a community where their presence is valued, and kindness is woven into the fabric of our shared academic journey.

Getting to Know You Survey

The "Getting to Know You" survey is a deliberate effort to extend a kindness cue of social inclusion to students. By inquiring about their preferences, challenges, and preferred modes of address, the survey aims to create a supportive learning environment that values individuality. Understanding potential challenges students may encounter fosters empathy, allowing for tailored support and accommodation. Moreover, asking how students prefer to be addressed reflects a commitment to respect and inclusivity. Inquiring about their chosen platform for accessing Canvas demonstrates a recognition of diverse technological preferences. This survey is not merely an administrative tool but a gesture that communicates a genuine interest in each student's unique needs and experiences, setting the tone for a compassionate and inclusive academic community.

Wisdom Wall

A Wisdom Wall comprises "learning stories" shared by students from previous classes, offering valuable insights for current students. By tuning into these recorded narratives, present students gain an understanding that facing challenges is a common part of the learning journey. This exposure allows them to glean strategies for success from the experiences of their predecessors. Engaging in this activity promotes metacognition, connecting students with spoken reflections on their learning. It also reinforces the concept of ability as a dynamic, evolving process rather than a fixed trait.

Bumper Video

The course bumper video serves as a crucial instructional tool in my course, providing a preview and overview of the upcoming lab on acceleration due to gravity. By delivering a concise explanation of the lab's purpose and procedures, the video offers students a clear roadmap for their upcoming learning experience. The instructor's engaging delivery and use of historical context, referencing Galileo's findings, aim to spark curiosity and contextualize the scientific principles being explored. The video not only introduces the practical aspects of the lab, such as dropping objects of different masses from varying heights but also emphasizes the underlying conceptual framework. Expecting students to test Galileo's claim fosters critical thinking and hands-on experimentation. This strategic use of a course bumper video is designed to enhance understanding, promote active participation, and ultimately contribute to an enriched learning experience for my students.


Microlectures, lasting 5-10 minutes, target specific learning objectives, streamlining content for efficient review. This approach eliminates the need for students to navigate lengthy lectures and enables instructors to provide focused reading and problems aligned with each objective. 

This microlecture, seamlessly integrated into my online astronomy course, aligns with the learning objective of demonstrating an understanding of Newton's three laws of motion. It delivers a concise overview, connecting historical context to highlight the transformation of our understanding of the universe through Newton's universal physical laws. By explaining each law, the microlecture enhances conceptual clarity, emphasizing the importance of a net force in the first law, the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration in the second law, and the concept of action and reaction in the third law. Expectations for improvement include heightened conceptual comprehension, providing students with a foundational understanding of motion's governing laws for an enriched learning experience.

This site is by Alessandro Baldi and is shared with a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license. Creation of this content was made possible with funding from the California Education Learning Lab.