Is It Normal For A Child Not To Poop For 5 Days?

Getting worried is actually not required if your baby is not pooping as it's a sign of a general constipation problem that children may face in their childhood days which is easily treatable.

As children's bowel movement is mostly affected by the diet taken as well as the age of the child. Making sure your child is eating healthy food and drinking sufficient amount of water will help in avoiding the pooping problems.

Also avoiding junk food as it can harm the precious baby’s health if consumed daily.

The newborns who have not started to consume solid food are generally the ones going 3-4 days without pooping.

(Suggested Read...How Long Can A Baby Go Without Pooping?)

You can try giving your baby a soft massage on the stomach to make it easy for the baby to pass stool. Even giving a warm bath can also work.

Generally the breast fed babies are the ones not pooping as breast milk is full of nutrients that gets consumed by the baby and doesn't poop for days.

If your child has not pooped for 5 days then as a mother you have to take the responsibility to feed food that is full of nutrients and fibers. Only then the constipation will go away and will help the baby to normalize the bowel movement.

But make sure that it's just constipation and nothing else. If your baby gets abdominal pain or high fever or there are stool marks in your child’s diaper then there may arise a problem to be concerned for immediately.

Call the doctor and ask for the solution. As consulting the doctor would be better to resolve a child’s pooping issue.

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