We’re sure that you have many questions and we hope to answer a few of them below.

2022-2023 Drama Club FAQs

Q: Who can participate in the Drama Club?

A: Registration is open to Alta Vista students in grades 3-5.

Q: When does registration open?

A: Registration will be open January 14th at 8:00pm. Links will be on the Registration page of this website.

Q: Will the number of Drama Club participants be capped at 100?

A: Yes, only the first 100 children that register will be able to participate in the show.

Q: When are auditions for Beauty & the Beast?

A: Auditions will be the week of September 19th. There is more information about auditions on the Auditions page.

Q: Will there be multiple casts?

A: Yes, we expect we will have 2 casts this year.

Q: What is the cost of registration?

A: Registration Fees in the amount of $150 will be collected at the time of registration.

Q: Are parent participation hours mandatory?

A: YES participation is mandatory. We can't put on a show without your help.

Q: How do auditions work?

A: Please see the Auditions Page for audition information.

Q: How will rehearsals be run this year?

A: Rehearsals will be in person in the Alta Vista Cafeteria. As with past years a rehearsal calendar will show which small groups of cast members are “called” for a particular rehearsal day. Full casts are rarely called to a single rehearsal. For example, if your actor is in the Monday cast your actor will not need to be present for every Monday rehearsal on the calendar, only those days that they are called for.

Q: When will rehearsals be held?

A: Rehearsals will be held on Mondays for the Monday cast and Thursdays for the Thursday cast. They start after school and end at 5:00.

Q: What are the COVID protocols for Drama Club?

A: Drama Club will follow the same protocols as Union School District. As county and district guidelines change, Drama Club guidelines will follow. This will be an in person experience for actors from auditions to performances.

Q: How will information related to Drama Club be communicated?

A: Our central “hub” for all information is always the website. We will also be using Remind again this year.

Q: Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

A: Please check the website first, and plan to attend the parent meeting on 9/14. If you still have questions, you are welcome to contact the Drama Club Production Team at avhsc.drama@gmail.com.