Logistics and Funding

For details about project groups, see Project Groups. Lodging will be provided and covered for all participants, and travel funding is also available. The application is available, and the deadline is January 31, 2022. See Local Information for information about hotel, airports, and the area. The collaborative research workshop will provide abundant time for research groups to work on their projects. The schedule appears below.

  • All activities on Monday morning and Friday afternoon will take place in Fenton Hall. The door on 13th Street (east side of the building) will be unlocked from 7:30 am until 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. That entrance is wheelchair accessible and leads to the seating area for the lecture hall. There is also a wheelchair accessible entrance to the bottom of the lecture hall (for presenters) to the left of that entrance (west side of the building).

  • There will be light refreshments available on the second floor of Fenton (inside or just outside the lounge) during morning and afternoon breaks. Participants are encouraged to take refreshments outside to help mitigate COVID risks. Meals will not be provided. There are places to eat on and near campus, as well as near the hotel.

  • Each collaboration group will have a classroom or meeting room (available 8am-6pm Monday through Friday) in which to work:

      • 105 Fenton: Johnson-Leung--Pollack

      • 119 Fenton: Castella--Liu

      • 140 Tykeson: Bellovin--Savitt

      • 260 Tykeson: Hsu--Wang-Erickson

      • 360 Tykeson: Lang--Sharifi

  • The reception and welcome activity on Monday will be held in the James Common area and Tykeson Lawn, across the street from Fenton Hall.

  • The panel and discussion on Tuesday and Thursday, respectively, will be held 5-6 pm in 204 Tykeson Hall:


Navigating Professional Relationships and Responsibilities

This panel discussion will focus on various aspects of professional relationships and responsibilities. Depending on participants' questions and comments, topics might include collaborations, advisor-advisee relationships, mentoring, negotiations, managing stress, establishing boundaries, impacts of the pandemic, or other aspects of interest to attendees. Panelists: Ellen Eischen, Jennifer Johnson-Leung, Aaron Pollack, David Savitt


Building and Maintaining Inclusive Communities

This discussion will explore various approaches to building and maintaining inclusive communities of mathematicians, while also delving further into related questions participants posed in discussions immediately following Tuesday's panel. Many people at this workshop have had relevant experiences and can make substantial contributions to this discussion. Topics might include examples of impactful activities, challenges and strategies for overcoming them, securing time and funding for such activities, handling power imbalances in professional activities, balancing these activities with other obligations, or additional concerns brought up by participants. Since people are often more comfortable chatting in small groups, each of the 5 collaboration groups will have a brief conversation amongst themselves about this topic sometime prior to the 5 pm meeting, and we will use input from the groups as a starting point when all the groups come together.
