2019 FALL Prof: Matej BLENKUŠ

As the first part of this project, we had to choose a recyclable material (as a group of three) and create an element using that material, and a space joining these elements. Starting from the keyword ‘JOINTS’ the structure is composed of identical bidimensional cardboard elements connected in a puzzle-like manner generating a spatial form.

Using a cellular growth system found in nature, the installation develops organically. The structure can be considered open to new additions, expanding continuously into space.

For the second part we transformed the initial square element to a main construction material, which was a beam. The idea of joining elements was the main goal for the second phase as well.

Using the concept of joints, one can expand/compress the building according to the needs of the wanted design, without compromising its structure.

The basic figure contains six laminated timber beams constructed in hexagonal form. The whole roof stands on reinforced concrete pillars and its overlaid by a light transparent hydroizolating covering. Therefore, the roof protects the auditorium against external factors while providing enough daylight for shows and maintaining a nice atmosphere for the visitors.

The auditorium itself is excavated into the ground with stage located 3m under the ground level. The entrance for visitors is oriented to the main road and the bus station. The services entrance is hidden from the public on the North side. Site is located in Bežigrad district of Ljubljana.