2018 FALL Prof: Filiz ÖZKAN

This workshop project was about creating a futuristic complex by using the principles of biomimicry. I chose saguaro cactuses as my reference from the nature and tried to reflect it's characteristics into my design. The structure was designed to achieve high performance on thermal comfort and minimize the usage of air conditioning and electricity.

The shell is also inspired from Saguaro cactus and performing as a self-shading structure. The shape of the cactus allows shading in one of the sides. The shaded side has cooler air comparing to the one exposed to the sun. This gradient on temperature promotes air circulation allowing air renewal at the facade and minimizing heat absorption.

Some features of Saguaro Cactus:

1-The saguaro cactus is a desert plant.

2-It is found only in the Sonoran Desert, which is located California and Arizona.

3-The average saguaro has about five arms and is about 9m tall, but it can grow up to even 20m.

4-They can live up to 300 years.

5-The outside skin of the saguaro is smooth.

6-Inside of the full grown saguaro there are 5cm spines, giving the saguaro the pleated and curved form that we see from the outside.

7-It can hold about a ton of water.

8-The root system of a saguaro is about 1 meter long.