School Write-Up

Knowing about your internship placement is important and often helps to provide you with insight and understanding of why things are the way they are. So your task this week is to investigate your placement. answer the following prompts:

When was your placement built/opened?

Is there a mission statement?

How many teachers/staff work there?

Which staff/teacher has been there the longest and who is new this year?

How many students are enrolled?

What is the profile (demographic) of the average student? i.e. Middle class? nuclear family? average GPA? college bound? (ask your mentor about this...and then talk to admin, if you can, to get more info on the school demographic)

What is the art budget for your classes? (can you find out how that compares to other subject budgets?)

Draw a diagram/blueprint of your classroom...complete with table arrangements, windows, teacher desk, etc. Use a drawing program or upload an image of a drawing you make on paper.