Multiple eye disease detection using Deep CNN

Funded by APJAKTU-CERD (SPS Scheme)

Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 23,900

Project Investigator: Ms. Neema M

(Asst. Professor, ECE, ASIET)

Team Members: Krishna Prasad, Sajith P S, Lakshmi Madhu, Priya P N

The leading cause of blindness in India are Glaucoma and Diabetic retinopathy Existing diagnostic methodologies in the field of ophthalmology, are not proven accurate for early detection of these. This is primarily due to the asymptomatic nature of the diseases in early stages and lack of retinal specialists. It has been noticed that, if left untreated these diseases can cause serious vision loss and blindness. To overcome this problem, we propose a system capable of early detection of the diseases accurately, using deep learning. In addition to that, the diagnostic system alerts the patient about his condition soon from a screening standpoint. This earliest referral could save his potential vision.

The system, which runs on Convolutional neural networks, is trained with dataset containing fundus images of affected and unaffected cases of both diseases. The trained system is capable of predicting the diseases from multiple set of possibilities. The prime focus of the work is to develop a system for early detection of the eye diseases with less intervention of a specialist.

HAUY – A Braille Assist

Funded by APJAKTU-CERD (SPS Scheme)

Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 22,000

Project Investigator: Mr. Albins Paul

(Asst. Professor, ECE, ASIET)

Team Members: Harikrishnan S, Joseph George, Jwala S, Sandeep

A device which has a Braille pattern recognizer and a Braille keypad through which digital communication is made possible for a blind person or both blind and deaf. The pattern recognizer converts the normal languages to Braille code which are produced letter by letter as projections thus recognizable. Design of a pattern recognizer is the important task. It is implemented by means of 6 solenoids, representing a single Braille character.

Upon electromagnetic actuation, by providing the driving current through a relay board, every solenoid projects out forming combinations of symbols. By using this concept we can improve response time, power efficiency and most importantly the size of the product. The information is downloaded and decoded wirelessly using a wi-fi module and then the code is delivered to the ARDUINO UNO board which has been programmed accordingly to magnetize the particular cells of a symbol.

Communication can be set up with devices like mobile phones through an application ‘BLYNK’ which has its own cloud storage and an application interface for a normal user. Through this cloud storage a person using the braille device can send and receive text messages. In this growing digital world it is necessary that everywhere you see a growth it is not just the common people it is the entire people. There are some existing devices in this domain but nothing is affordable. This project deals with the implementation of a digital communication system that is affordable at the same time being useful and providing the right services for a blind or both blind and deaf person.

Real Time Waste Segregation

Funded by The Institution of Engineers (India)

Sanctioned Amount: Rs.10,000

Project Investigator: Ms. Arya Paul

(Asst. Professor, ECE, ASIET)

Team Members: Adarsh Varma, Don Raju, Chandrakanth K M

The main goal of this project is to design and develop a segregation system which sort wastes automatically into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. To properly manage the waste it has to be handled, segregated, transported and disposed so as to reduce the risks to the public lives and sustainable environmental .The economic value of waste is best comprehended when it is segregated.

Currently there is no such system employed of segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. In this project the method uses inductive sensors metallic items, and capacitive sensors to distinguish between weighted and weightless plastics. Experimental results show that the segregation of waste into metallic, plastic and glass waste has been successfully implemented using the Automation of material segregation (AMS) method.

The main theme of the work is to develop a smart intelligent garbage segregation system for a proper garbage management. Now a day’s large amount of waste is produced in cities, so segregation of waste plays important role in order to keep our city clean and maintain hygiene. We have used mechanical assembly for segregation of waste into wet and dry. The segregation, handling, transportation and disposal of waste are to be properly managed so as to minimize the risk to the environment. The economic value of waste is best realized when it is segregated .The main goal of this project is to design and develop a segregation system which sort wastes automatically into metallic, plastic and other dry organic waste.