Anton Potapov, ecologist
I am soil animal ecologist with a systemic view on nature. I am in pursuit to understand how energy fluxes among organisms in soil affect ecosystem-level functioning and global biogeochemistry. I am keen on describing and understanding large-scale and generic patterns of biodiversity in soil and beyond.
I have specific interests in soil food webs, traits, springtails, and stable isotope methods. I particularly like data synthesis and visualisation and streamlining of ecological research.
At present, I am working as a head of department at Senckenberg Museum for Natural Sciences Görlitz and as a Professor at TU Dresden. I was graduated and finished my PhD (2015) at the Moscow State University.
Highlighted research projects I coordinate
#GlobalCollembola initiative
Food webs across temperate and tropical ecosystems
Ecotaxonomy database
Soil food webs under tropical land-use change
EUdaphobase – European soil-biology data warehouse
The list of the achievements, featured papers and publication list
Some materials and data to download
Short stories about my research and around written in a less academic manner