Research Interests

I have a strong interest on human-induced impacts on aquatic ecosystems, including marine litter and metal contamination. My current research project, RealRiskNano, focuses on the toxicological effects of micro- and nanoplastics (MPs and NPs) in fish and marine invertebrates. I am interested in investigating the effects of particles ingestion on the energy budget of aquatic organisms and on the assessing the bioavailability of co-contaminants associated to MP/NPs. In my previous previous project, MARMICROTOX, I worked on the quantification of MPs in marine organisms collected from the field and into assessing the bioavailability of associated co-contaminants using molecular biomarkers.

Previously, I have worked on metal bioaccumulation on echinoderms and on the effects of global warming and ocean acidification in sea urchins at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. I have previously worked in collaboration with the Instituto Antártico Chileno and Universidad de Magallanes and I speak fluently four languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish and French). I have a strong interest in science outreach and public engagement and I have collaborated with the HWU Athena SWAN, Our Dynamic Earth (science museum, Edinburgh), the European Commission. I am currently the Project Leader of Native Scientist in Scotland, a volunteer based network of international scientists created to tackle educational disadvantage through science outreach. I tweet @Zebrazuli. I am a member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and the Scottish Microplastic Research Group, a Community Project under the MASTS Marine Biodiversity, Function & Services Theme.

Keywords: Microplastics; Nanoplastics; Invertebrates; Physiology; Ecology; Ecotoxicology; Ocean Acidification; Marine Stressors; Bilingualism; Outreach & Public Engagement