Alex Pellegrini

I am a Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. My advisors are Tanja Lange and Alberto Ravagnani.

I am part of the Coding Theory and Cryptology group, which is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Before joining TU/e, I spent 1 year in the Cryptology and Data Security group at University of Bern, Switzerland, where I was working on quorum systems.

I obtained my M.Sc. in Mathematics (coding theory and cryptography program) at the University of Trento in 2019 (dissertation title: "On two algebraic decision problems and their instances").

My Bachelor's degree is in Computer Science, obtained at the University of Trento in 2015 (dissertation title: "Supporting joins and numerical computations over encrypted databases").

I am currently working on a project in code-based cryptography. I devise algebraic geometric codes and construct efficient tools to make them functional for post-quantum cryptography.

Beside the above project, I am analysing some of the submissions to the Korean PQC competition  (I am also having fun doing public key cryptanalysis, so if you'd like to team up for some, just drop me an email).

My research interests include cryptography, coding theory, algebraic geometry and number theory.

My Curriculum Vitae can be found here.

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My PGP public key is here. (979985813B2FC1B95219C383B7EE9626A4F9F701)