Can Accessibility Overlay Tools Help Improve Keyboard Accessibility?

Whether or not you use accessibility overlay tools, you should always consider keyboard accessibility because it is one of the vital aspects of web accessibility. Some people, for example, have tremors, which impair fine muscle control, whereas others have limited or no use of their hands. As a result, many people with motor disabilities rely on a keyboard for navigation.

Even the most beautiful website is rendered useless if users cannot interact with it or access its controls. Users who cannot use a mouse can interact with keyboard-friendly websites. The main distinction between the keyboard and the mouse is that users have sequential access to the screen's links when they navigate through the keyboard. As a result, they must tab through all links before arriving at a link of interest. On the other hand, a mouse user can move the cursor directly to the link he wishes to click and inspect the available links on the screen. As a result, the mouse provides easy access to the links.

If you're curious about whether or not your site is keyboard navigation friendly, check to see if your website meets the following requirements:

1. To access all links and controls on the web page, the Tab key on the keyboard should be available.

2. It is always apparent which element is the focal point.

3. All rich, interactive web page features (for example, dropdown menus, carousels, and modal dialogs) follow the WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices, specifically their Design Patterns for specific widgets. In addition, specific models for operating devices with a keyboard come in these recommended design patterns.

4. Apps, plugins, widgets, and JavaScript techniques that trap the keyboard should be avoided. Users must instead enter and exit any user interface element.

Some accessibility overlay tools make automated changes to site code to improve keyboard navigation. Unfortunately, these computerized fixes can be insufficient or even frustrating for the users they attempt to serve. For people who use screen readers, auto-generated alt text, for example, is frequently strange and irrelevant, causing more confusion than clarity. As a result, it is critical to use tools that do not jeopardize any crucial aspect of your website.