Phelps' 5th Grade
We are lifelong learners and lifelong leaders at Sunset Lake Elementary !
Please make sure to make yourself familiar with the class website, as we will use this to keep you updated on information and events happening in our classroom and school. You will also find links throughout the website for calendars, permission slips, and other important information that will be sent home. I will also try to keep the calendar of events updated as much as possible. It is my hope to have our communication crew working on weekly updates! The intention of this classroom website is to allow your kiddos the opportunity to keep you informed and creatively use technology in the classroom.
Hi my name is Isaiah, and I will be keeping you updated on what we are doing in class.
Hi my name is Jeremiah, and I will be keeping you updated on what we are doing in class.
Hi my name is Mamie and I will be keeping you updated on what we are doing in class.
Looking ahead:
4-19, 4-21, 4-26, 4-28 MSTEP in the A.M.
4-20 Book Fair
4-29 Rock and Mineral Show at Expo Center in the A.M.
5 - 6 Half day
5-18 OEC
5-27 Wolf lake Hatchery Trip
6-3 Field Day
6-9 5th grade graduation at the PAC
6-10 Last day of school students dismissed at 12:15.
Yes! We still collect them. GRAB THE APP. Go to the App store or Google Play to download the Box Tops App. & scan your grocery receipt. KEEP THOSE BOX TOPS COMING IN!!!
Classroom News
Social Studies- We are learning about the events that led to the American Revolution.
Science- We trying to figure out why skink odor can be smelled all over a neighborhood. To figure this out we are learning about states of matter.
Math- At this point students should know all of their multiplication and division facts. If they do not please work on those at home. Math is so much easier for those who don't have to focus all their energies on much larger multiplication and division facts. We just finished our test on volume.
Reading- We are reading books about exploration from our text collections. PARENTS make sure your kids are reading for 30 minutes everyday!
Writing- Right now we are working on finishing a comparison paper.
WIN- WIN stands for what I need. Students in WIN work hard to improve math, grammar, spelling, restating, and if you understand what you're reading. After we have all that done we work to catch up on other classes or do a "choice" project. We have had a couple kids present their projects and they have been interesting.
Make sure your child is ready for the day!
Mondays- P.E. (sneakers)
Tuesday- Music (recorder, recorder book)
Wednesday- Library (make sure you have all of your library books)
Thursday- Art (it might get messy, so where something you can get dirty)
Friday- P.E. (tennis shoes)
Parents, thank you so much for the things that you've been doing to help us and our school grow and achieve.
Jokes of the month
How excited was the gardener about spring? So excited he wet his plants.
Does February like March? No, but April May
What season is it best to go on a trampoline? Spring time
What do you call a rabbit with flees? Bugs Bunny
What month of the year is the shortest? May (only 3 letters)