Mrs. Nelson



Upcoming Events and Things To Remember!

  • TEAM NELSON ONLY: Our P.E. days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday-please have your child dress appropriately and wear tennis shoes on these days.
  • TEAM NELSON ONLY: Library check in/check out is on Friday. Please help your child remember to bring their books back to school.
  • We DO allow snacks in the classroom. We are the last lunch of the day and sometimes that can be quite a stretch from 8:00 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. We ask that you use your judgment when sending healthy snacks to school. Also, students are allowed and encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school.

Grammar Concepts for This Week!

Verb Tenses

present tense-shows action that is happening now or that happens over and over

past tense-shows action that has already happened

future tense-shows action that will happen

regular verb-a verb that uses -ed to form its past tense

past participle-the past-tense form of a verb


waits - present tense

waited - past tense

will wait - future tense

Lesson 8 Newsletter
Spelling Words Week 8

Getting to Know Mrs. Nelson

Welcome to my teacher page! I'm so glad you are here. I hope this is a place where you can learn a little about me AND find important information that will be happening in our classrooms! Mrs. Wiebe and I are starting our fourth year together as a team. I teach English Language Arts and Social Studies. Mrs. Wiebe teaches Math and Science. Our classes share recess twice a day and have a lot of time together. Her students are my students and visa versa. Please feel free to communicate with either one of us at any time regarding your child. We share information and communicate multiple times a day. Also know that we have your student's BEST interest at heart. We will work hard to find the right fit for your student every day.

A few personal things about me...

I am a mother of three boys. Brett is 18 and attends Kansas State University. Tanner is 16 and is a Junior at Mulvane High School. He enjoys hunting and fishing, and loves football and baseball. Brady is 11 and is a 6th grader at Mulvane Middle School. He loves sports and time with his friends. Mr. Nelson is a Social Studies teacher at Mulvane High School and is the defensive coordinator for the MHS football team. He is also the head coach for the MHS baseball team. Needless to say, we are a family of sports. If I'm not at school, I'm probably at a sporting event for one of my children or at Target. :)

This is my sixth year teaching. I love what I do and look forward to building a strong relationship with all of my students.

Kindness...Pass it On!

~Kindness Matters~

Questions or Concerns? Please contact me at . I look forward to hearing from you!

Anti-Bullying Awareness Week

  • Monday-I'm too bright to bully! Wear your bright Monday shirts
  • Tuesday-Sock it to bad choices! Wear crazy socks
  • Wednesday-Dreaming of Bright Futures! Wear pajamas or dress as your future self
  • Thursday-Think Thursday! Wear a hat or crazy hair
  • Friday-Team up to Support Kindness! Wear Mulvane Gear