As of October, 2023 this website for IASSIST QSSHDIG is no longer being updated. Please see our page on the IASSIST website for information on the email list and programming for QSSHDIG. 

The IASSIST Qualitative Social Science & Humanities Data Interest Group (QSSHDIG) was created in October 2016. The central purpose of the IASSIST QSSHDIG is to foster conversations regarding the needs of researchers who generate qualitative data, and what types of services librarians and other information professionals can develop to support these researchers in managing their data/source materials throughout the research lifecycle.

Expected outcomes include

1) developing a connected and informed group,

2) providing opportunities for professional development through training, and

3) collecting and creating tools and resources for all IASSIST members to make use of (both IG members and non-members).  

Email Co-Chairs (skarcher@maxwell.syr.edu and alesiam@stanford.edu) for more information or sign up for our mailing list.