Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Where is the college counseling office located?

Our suite is located on the second floor of the upper school library. In addition to Dr. Odom and Miss West, Mrs. Cindy Wildberger, UMS-Wright Registrar, is also located in the College Counseling suite.

standardized testing (ACT/SAT)

When does the College Counseling Office recommend that students start taking and preparing for the ACT/SAT?

Our official recommendation is that students wait to begin taking the ACT/SAT after they have completed at least one semester of Algebra II, either in the sophomore or junior year of high school. This is because the ACT in particular measures students' math skills through Algebra II, and with a heavy emphasis on the coursework covered in Algebra II. While it is never too early to practice skills related to the English and Reading sections, students should understand they will not learn the majority of the material they are being tested on in the math section until taking that course. UMS-Wright also administers both the PreACT and PSAT (practice versions of the tests) to our underclassmen. The College Counseling Office views these practice tests as the primary early preparation for standardized testing prior to taking the actual exam, and they should be treated by students as serious attempts at a practice exam.

Do colleges and universities prefer the ACT or SAT?

In years past, some colleges and universities had a preference or only accepted either the ACT or SAT. However, in recent years this has changed, and colleges and universities now show no preference between the two tests. Students should decide which test they prefer based on their performance on the practice tests administered (PSAT and PreACT) during the school year at UMS-Wright. It may also be beneficial to take the ACT and SAT one time each to see on which test the student performs the best.

Some highly selective colleges and universities will require or have the option for students to submit SAT II subject tests. This has become a much less common practice, so please contact the College Counseling Office and refer to the admission websites of the schools on your list if you have questions or wish to verify whether you should take SAT II subject tests.

Does UMS-Wright send seniors' test scores to colleges and universities during the application process?

Colleges and universities typically prefer to receive the official score report directly from either ACT or The College Board (SAT). For this reason, UMS-Wright does NOT send seniors' test scores to colleges and universities. This means that students must send their own test scores through their accounts on the test registration websites.

national merit

What is National Merit?

National Merit is a highly selective scholarship program recognized by colleges and universities across the United States. The scholarship packages associated with National Merit are typically very generous, and vary according to the college or university the student elects to attend.

How can my student apply for National Merit?

Students can complete the application process for National Merit if they are deemed eligible to apply. Students' PSAT (practice SAT) scores from the fall semester of their junior year of high school determine initial eligibility for consideration. There is then an application process a student must go through in order to move to the next step for consideration. Selection for National Merit does NOT automatically guarantee distinction. The PSAT is administered at UMS-Wright during the school day on a date predetermined at the beginning of the school year.

When do students go through the application process?

The application process, once you qualify for National Merit, takes place at the beginning of senior year. The College Counseling Office will be sure to remind students about their application and follow up with them. But it is the student's responsibility to make sure their materials are completed and submitted, particularly their online application and essay they must submit through their online portal.

How many students qualify for National Merit?

Of the 1.6 million students who take the PSAT, 50,000 will qualify for consideration as a National Merit Scholar. In other words, if you do not qualify, it will alright!! The practice tests administered at UMS-Wright (PSAT and PreACT) are still excellent preparation for your future standardized testing.

  • Different levels of recognition: Commended Scholars, Semifinalists, Finalists, and Merit Scholars

When does the college counseling team begin working with UMS-Wright students?

The College Counseling Office begins interacting with students in 7th grade and continues developing relationships through 12th grade, graduating from in-class guidance to one-on-one personalized plans for college preparation and applications.