Student Opinion: Findings

The Moment of Truth

It is fairly difficult to declare whether or not DERs are an effective and engaging way to prepare students for reading comprehension without asking the opinion of the students who completed them.

Below are the results from the survey I completed with both grade nine classes. The information listed below is anonymous and no personal information from students is included.

Survey Questions and Results (scroll through):


From these subjective survey results, I can make the conclusion that the DERs were successful in creating an effective and engaging activity for students to formatively practice reading comprehension questions as well as handle extraneous load in an efficient way.

Student Feedback:

The survey also asked students to comment on the DERs they completed honestly. While the majority of students enjoyed the DERs and identified the benefits of completing this activity, there were, predictably students that also did not enjoy the activity; this was expected, as it is impractical to assume all students will enjoy every activity. For the sake of transparency, I have included all responses below.

Disclaimer: I teach grade nine, and therefore some of the responses are silly.

DER Responses