Online resources

Carmina Ribés Falcó & Sonia Andreu Vallés | updated: 2016 - 2024

Who we are

The Catalan and Spanish as a Foreign Language Advisory Service (ACE|LE) is a service of the Universitat Jaume I that has been offering training and advice in Catalan and Spanish as a foreign language since 1993. ACE|LE's training can go from being completely hetero-directed, with the organization of language courses, to being completely self-directed, from guided self-training to completely autonomous, with the mediation of digital material resources that the Training Area of the Language and Terminology Service organizes, classifies and maintains in constant revision and updating.

(c): Carmina Ribés Falcó, CE|LE courses manager and coordinator + Sonia Andreu Vallés, CELE courses teacher


Learning a foreign language independently is an undoubtedly adventurous undertaking in which you, the learner, play the lead role and are fully responsible for what, when, where, and how you learn. ACELE provides online resources that help users learn Catalan or Spanish. The resources are organized by level and content type to facilitate learning of linguistic aspects. These resources are particularly useful for non-native speakers.

Additionally, this selection of resources serves as a tool for teachers of these languages.

Five tips for a good self-learning process

Taking on the responsibility of learning a language outside the classroom requires:

Identifying your language training needs

Setting a series of general learning goals

Defining the materials needed to reach these goals

Choosing a learning strategy

Evaluating your progress