School Leadership Team

Principal - Warrick Price

Kia Ora, 

I am pleased to lead the Terrace End team as Tumuaki. Before my appointment at Terrace End School, I was the Deputy Principal at Linton Camp School. Outside of school hours, I volunteer as a referee for the Manawatu Rugby Union, go to the gym, and generally stay as active as possible. My wife, Tamzin, works at Palmerston North Girls' High School as the Head of Department for Dance. We have two boys, Charlie and Theo. Our boys keep Tamzin and me very busy with their sports and activities. 

Terrace End School has many great features that make every day at school exciting. The students learn in modern, well-resourced classrooms and have access to a large school field, fitness track, bike track, four netball and basketball courts, swimming pool and two playgrounds. In addition to these amazing resources, we have recently completed rebuilding the administration block, which means every teaching and administration space will have been renewed within the past seven years. 

Learning at Terrace End School is exciting as teachers always find new and exciting ways to teach their students. The school currently has two teams. The junior team caters for students in years 1-3, and the senior team caters for students in years 3-6. Students have a dedicated teacher who leads their whānau class. Depending on the learning purpose students work collaboratively with the other teachers and students in their team. It is a priority for teachers to ensure they know each child in their class well and provide a safe, calm environment so learning can take place. 

Terrace End School is well-resourced for learning across the curriculum. To enhance learning programmes, our junior and senior classrooms have a mix of iPads and Chromebooks that are provided to students free of charge. 

I look forward to working alongside you as part of the Terrace End School TEAM. 

"Whaowhia te kete mātauranga."

"Fill the basket of knowledge."

Warrick Price

Tumuaki | Principal

Deputy Principal - Kris Funnell

Being an active member of the Terrace End Team, I get to participate in many areas of the school. Leading the school in sporting activities is a passion because the TES Community get to have the opportunity to involve themselves and their tamariki in free swimming lessons at Freyberg, the Junior Netball League, the Six a Side soccer tournament, Basketball and Touch Rugby and Rippa Rugby. Our school's Triathlon, Cross Country and Athletics Day are super house events coordinated by a staff sub-committee. Leading these sub-committees is a highlight, especially working with enthusiastic others. Meeting up with families outside of school hours in quite different settings is a bonus to the position. 

My supporting role in networking and advocating for children and families is the best part of my position. It never ceases to amaze me how so many positive people go over and beyond to support others willingly. This part of my job also strengthens my desire to learn and lead more about Wellbeing in an educational setting and beyond. Within the School, I support the notions through our Kahui Ako (Community of Learning Network), which involves nine schools in the eastern part of Palmerston North.  

Leadership roles always require a great deal of decision-making and listening. So you can imagine some days are full on. Communicating our school direction is paramount to the success of our community involvement. Collectively, we strive to do this. 

Finally, working in an environment that values Trust, Excellence, Actions, and Manaakitanga makes every day sunny and exciting. I am very pleased to be part of such a ‘passionate environment’ that loves caring for and educating the next generation! 

Kris Funnell

Senior Team Leader

Sophia Douglas

Kia Ora,

I feel privileged being a member of the staff at Terrace End School, particularly a part of the management team. I see myself as a classroom teacher first and foremost, however during the 8 years I have been at Terrace End I have also held the roles of ICT Lead teacher, PB4L Coach, Science Lead teacher and Junior Team Leader. I am currently the Senior Team Leader, in this role I like to consider all the students in the senior school in my care, and work closely with the rest of the Senior team and management to ensure the welfare, teaching and learning of these tamariki.

I enjoy working with the tamariki we have at Terrace End School. They are an active bunch who always keep us on our toes. It is both challenging and rewarding to be able to ensure they are all engaged in meaningful and motivating learning. Our children are diverse in culture, economic background and learning, yet united we are whanau; it is a fabulous feeling, and a great place to spend the day. We have excellent facilities at Terrace End School, which effectively support our classroom programmes. In the senior school we can mostly provide 1-1 devices to our tamariki, allowing for a variety of both online and face to face teaching.

I am originally from West Auckland and it was at the University of Auckland, formerly the Auckland College of Education, that I completed my Primary Teaching degree. I have been in Palmerston North since 2008, my daughter has blossomed from growing up here and I am very proud to call Palmerston North my home.

Junior Team Leader

Skye McCall

Kia Ora,

My name is Skye McCall. I have been working at Terrace End for seven years now. I have taught throughout the junior, middle and senior school. This year I am teaching year one and two students. We are fortunate to have brand new working spaces, to cater to the needs of all our wonderful students. I enjoy watching our students thrive and grow into successful learners. My real passion is Literacy and Art. As a teacher at Terrace End School, this is my other family away from home. I love teaching beside such a dedicated team of people who make up Terrace End School as a whole and having such a supportive community and whanau. 

Originally I am from Rotorua but made a move to the Manawatū eight years ago. I have two teenage boys, and two boys of my partner who live with us. We are both very passionate about fishing and love going out on our boat. Nothing like fresh air and being out on the sea.

Learning Support Coordinator

Lisa Inglis

Kia Ora,

I have been teaching for over 20 years, and joined Terrace End school in 2011, when I moved here from Otaki, when my son was 6 months old.  He is now not so small, and definitely keeps me on my toes! 

I have been part of the Junior Team at Terrace End School since moving to Palmerston North.  I have had the privilege of being Junior Team Leader, as well as taking a sabbatical to participate in the Science Teacher Leadership Programme, and being part of the leadership team involved in looking after our English Language Learners, and Special Education across the school.

As Learning Support Coordinator, I work closely with whanau, teachers, teacher-aides and outside agencies, such as the Ministry of Education, to ensure that children get the support they need to be successful in school. I am passionate about ensuring all children can be successful in the school environment and work closely with Warrick and Kris to achieve this.  

Terrace End School has a family-feel to it, and I am proud to have been a part of this whanau for the past 12 years.