TDSB Assistive Technology

A website designed for TDSB students, staff and families.

Available Assistive Technology Programs:

Read and Write is designed to provide literacy support to all students for completing reading, writing and research tasks. The Read and Write Extension for Google Chrome purple puzzle piece will automatically appear for all Students and Staff.

Mindomo is an Online Graphic Organizer tool which is designed to support students with creating mind maps, either collaboratively or independently. Students can embed video, voice recording and images to support their thinking along with many other features.

OrbitNote is a toolbar for teachers and students to access the reading, writing and annotation tools directly in the PDF.  Once the file is opened, the toolbar appears directly in the PDF. The tools in OrbitNote are similar to the ones in Read&Write

Screenshot Reader can read aloud any text on the screen. In particular, it can read aloud text used in images or any application, even if this text is not accessible, for example, inaccessible Flash

WeVideo is an online video editor that supports teachers and students to make a variety of media presentations.  Students can get creative making podcasts, videos, green screen videos, voice overs and more!  

The WeVideo Screen and webcam extension uses the camera and microphone to record videos.  In addition to recording video and voice there is a highlighting and annotation tool. The recordings are saved direclty into Google Drive and these reordings can be further ehanced using the WeVideo Editor.

Boardmaker 7 is a tool to create, edit and share symbol-based and visual resources and activities that support communication, early academic and life skills. 

 BM7 Consists of three parts:

1) Boardmaker Editor: is software/app that needs to be installed that allows the educator to create individualized visual supports and interactive activities. 

2) educators can add students to their roster and assign activities to students.

3) Boardmaker Student Center: is software/app that needs to be installed; where students are able to access individualized interactive activities assigned by their teacher.

BM7 is an updated version of Boardmaker Studio

Read and Write is designed to provide literacy support to all students for completing reading, writing and research tasks.  

Book Creator is a tool for students to create digital books with multiple ways of expression and representation.  There are many built-in assistive technology tools including speech to text, audio recording, captioning and many more.

Lumio is a web-based software tool which helps support the creation of engaging lessons that students can interact with in class, remotely, or on their own time on their own devices. Students can access Lumio from the Make & Do section of the TDSB Virtual Library. Please ask your teacher for more information. Staff can find out more about Lumio on the TDSB SMART website.

Other programs with specific licencing requirements:

Clicker 8 and Clicker Writer Apps are appropriate for early or emergent readers or writers.  Students can use writing grids or the keyboard to write with auditory feedback, picture support and word prediction. Clicker is highly customizable to meet student needs and also offers alternate access methods (e.g. switch scanning, eye gaze).  

Helpkidzlearn Games and Activities is a website with over 200 activities to develop skills required for students to use alternate access methods such as joysticks, switches and eye gaze.  Activities range from cause and effect, targeting, timing, and choice making acitivities.

The ALL Reading Program is an evidence-based approach designed to teach basic reading skills to nonverbal students who require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Students can learn using the access method that works best for them: touch, eye gaze or scanning.