Meet the crew



Final Outcome

For my FMP, I created an episodic music documentary on the Jungle genre. Each series of the show will focus on a different genre of music within British cities. Each episode follows a different aspect of this diverse and unique music scene. Therefore we filmed 6 separate episodes across the 12 week period.

Episode 1


The first episode documents the aspects that define Jungle music and its music production process. The Episode features DJ's Archie Macmillan and Nikiri Kaye performing a set at the iconic Pirate Studios. They will also be accompanied by Ethan an MC.

Episode 1 Final Cut.mp4

Episode 2


Episode 2 will investigate the historical context and progression of the Jungle genre. Featuring Junglist and actor John Wagland, he discusses the past of this music.

Episode 2 Final Cut.mp4

Episode 3

Dance & Culture:

Our third instalment to the series, follows dancer and artist Yassmine Al Hanfif (Yaz). She discusses the influence Jungle has had on dance. This episode also includes a Skanking dance performance give by her.

Episode 3 Final Cut.mp4

Episode 4


Episode 4 features an interview with Jacob Mellor. Jacob has been a fan on Jungle and regularly attends clubs and raves. He will discuss what Jungle looks like at present and its impact on the Youth community

Episode 4 Final Cut .mp4

Episode 5


Episode 5 was the final episode we mange to fully complete within the timeframe. The episode features myself, and I discuss the political influence of the genre. Including a feature on music activist organisation Save Our Scene.

Episode 5 Final Cut.mp4

Episode 6


This episode will look at the future of Jungle, and follow those revolutionising the music scene. Release date to be confirmed.

Message to Reader

Why am I making this project?

I want to create the project, in order to pay homage to my experiences listening to Jungle and attending illegal raves. I have matured in my life and whilst I enjoy events I have outgrown them. The project allows me to commemorate these experiences and say fair well to the community, I was once apart of. It will feature friends and acquaintances I met during this time and explore Jungle music within London.