Week 39 - Page Two

We caught up with some of staff leavers to ask them about their time at St Stephen's. Here are their stories. They give a fantastic insight into how our team works. They have been wonderful players on the St Stephen's team and although we are sad to see them go, we wish them well and thank them for all they have done for our wonderful children. Read on ...

I've worked as the St Stephen's Business Manager for five years. That has meant working with the fantastic office team. Four of those years were spent working alongside Sarah Foot, our Office Administrator, who retired last year and I have never laughed so much in my life.

My job involved working with the Senior Leadership team through some incredibly tough and strange times. My time at St. Stephen’s has taught me that deadlines are deadlines, but nothing is as important as the child in front of you and the team around you.

When it comes to my favourite memories, there are simply too many to count…all the Christmas lunches, the productions, the sports days, the staff taking part in the Bounceathons, seeing my colleagues dressed up on World Book Days,

trying to make the children laugh when they’re in the medical room and need cheering up – with varying success! A simple email from a parent thanking the team for their support. All these moments have been absolute magic.

I'll miss the children. It’s hard enough every summer to say goodbye to Year Six but I am so fond of all our children, I’m going to find this year extremely hard. I will also miss the array of personalities amongst the staff who keep the momentum going throughout the school year. I am grateful for each and every one of them.

I am so very fortunate to have been able to spend such happy times here. My only regret is that I didn’t find this wonderful school sooner. No matter what, all our parents should be reassured that there is no-one in the whole of England who will work harder for your children, than the staff at St. Stephen’s.


I’m moving to a more senior role, in a multi academy trust in Surrey - it’s a lot nearer to where I live and where my children go to school.

I’m looking to broaden my experience in the education sector and learn new aspects of school leadership.

I joined St. Stephens in September 2020 as an HLTA in Reception, however I have spent most of my two years at the school in a teaching role.

I have spent most of my time in Reception working with the fabulous Early years team but also got a sneak peak into Key Stage 1, teaching one day a week in year 1.

I have learnt a huge amount in a relatively short time at St Stephen's but I think if I had to choose one thing it would be to never be scared of asking questions (and I asked a lot!) Gaining knowledge and advice from others has been invaluable!

There is always so much going on at school and it’s hard to pick one thing…so I’m not going to, I’m going to pick 3! My first Reception sports day (it was hot and the children were superstars!), the first EVER St Stephen's Pride parade and of course this year’s Leavers production of ‘The Jungle Book’ (certainly worthy of a spot in the West End!)


I will miss the staff and the children, what a wonderful bunch you all are! I'll still be in the playground as a parent so say hello! Next up for me is a job share teaching Reception at a school in Barnes.


I have been at St Stephen’s for nearly two years, starting as a lunchtime playworker before working as a teaching assistant. Previous to working at St Stephen’s, I was a pupil at the school, and it has been a real pleasure to return and see a new generation of students hard at work.

I started working in the classroom with Amanda Taylor in Year Five and Natalie McLellan in Year Two last year. This year I have worked between Year 2 classes with Catherine O’Conner in Quartz and Hannah Wells in Ruby, both Year 3 classes with Sonia Chahil and Tanya Blomley in 3BC and Sian Mackenzie in 3M, as well as helping in PE lessons with Aaron Downes and Craig Brown. I have been fortunate to work alongside some amazing TAs, including Debbie Cryan, Charlie Douglas, Nusrat Khaki and Sian Owens. Each and every person I have worked alongside has shown incredible passion, motivation and support, and I am inspired each and every day by the kindness and spirit that my colleagues have shown. From the kitchen staff and the cleaners, to the TAs and teachers, to the office staff and all the way up to SLT, I am continually amazed by the community of our school and how fortunate I have been to be a part of that community.

I will miss so much of St Stephen’s, it really is hard to put into words. The support of the staff has been phenomenal and I would not be going into teaching without their help at every step. The dedication everyone shows, the extra hours, interventions, time given to sport, drama, music and art, the incredible school trips and the fantastic teaching across the board makes this a very special school indeed. The students are a delight, I am continually amazed by their intelligence, wit, creativity, support for one another and ability to push themselves to achieve amazing things. They are the future, and the future will be incredibly bright if there are more young people like them.

I want to express enormous gratitude to several staff members, there are too many to name but this is a selection of those who helped me along the way. Debbie Cryan helped me learn so much about supporting a class when I joined the school, showing patience and answering any question I had without judgement and putting others first at every step. Naomi Mulholland has been an ever-present figure who will fight for every single student and member of staff; I have always felt I can come to her for support and she does so much for our SEND students to ensure they achieve the best care possible. I have never felt so welcomed in a classroom as with Tanya Blomley, one of the kindest and most inspirational people I have ever had the pleasure to meet; her warmth and gratitude for life is infectious and her dedication to her students is remarkable. Amanda Taylor, Nusrat Khaki, Catherine O’Conner, Hannah Wells, Charlie Douglas, Maggie Libura, Sherralyn Rainey, Joey Dale, Aaron Downes, I could go on and on and on. Special thanks to Liz Bachour and Jess Morrison, who gave me the opportunity of working at such an amazing place.

I am leaving to begin teacher training, working at the Rosary School in Heston while I train. If it weren’t for my time at St. Stephen’s I wouldn’t be undertaking this training. I have found my passion, and I want to say thank you to everyone at St. Stephen’s for helping me find it.