Week 37- Page Two


Well done to last week's merit winners:

OPAL - Jasper, Charlotte, Kai

DIAMOND - Isla, Noah, Adam

GARNET - Josh, Henry, Grace

TOPAZ - Alexander and Darrah

RUBY - Callum, Benjamin, Harry

QUARTZ - Malakai, Ethan, James

3M - Whole class

3BC - Whole class

4G - George, Theo, Henry

4M - Nisha, Josh, Sybil

5MT - Alfie, Jasmine, Parita

5B - Fede, Ben, Choi Yin and whole class for Class Ambassador

Year Six - Fantastic effort in their final production at St Stephen's


After a hiatus of a couple of years, we were able to take along a team of Year Four children to the local Battle of the Books competition. Here is Mrs Grosvenor's report: "Eight children from Year Four took part in the Battle of the Books. The children had to participate in three rounds (Quiz, Art and Drama). They did exceedingly well and scored a very respectable mark in the first 'Quiz' round. Next up, the 'Drama' round. Despite the time pressure of having just an hour to rehearse a scene from the book 'Blue Planet,' they put their creative hats on and worked really hard to create a piece that stood out from all the others.

"Finally, we had the 'Art' round. Unfortunately, I was unable to help with this as teachers were told to 'take a back seat' and get a well deserved cup of coffee and watch from the sidelines. The children were given the choice of two picture books and were asked to work as a team to recreate the front cover, based on their interpretation of the story. Fifty minutes later, they produced an excellent recount of 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick'. There was stiff competition at Battle of the Books this year but St Stephen's came in a very respectable 4th place and should be so proud of all of their efforts!"


Across the country, children from Reception to Year Six are receiving a commemorative book to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Funded by the Department of Education, the book was written in collaboration with royal experts and historians and tells the story of a young girl, Isabella. She visits her Great Granny who tells her about this year's Jubilee. The book includes references to many historical and recent events from across the UK and the Commonwealth. It also includes quotes from Her Majesty, facts about the coronation and mentions notable figures, such as Nelson Mandela.

Our chidren are getting their copies this week. As you can see from the photos below, it is not just our children who are enjoying this engrossing read - staff have been borrowing copies too. We promise they returned them to the children, once they finished reading. Phew!