Mr. Swier

My name is Riley Swier.  This will be my 11th year of teaching and my 8th at Stewartville Middle School. 

I graduated from Winona State University with bachelor degrees in Health Education and Physical Education, minors in Coaching and D/APE, and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership.  My coaching experiences include 9th grade baseball, 9th grade football, MS boys/girls basketball and Jr./Sr. High Track and Field.

The best way to reach me is via e-mail at

MS coaches office number is (507) 533-1699.

Flexible Learning Days (507) 944-0772

Teacher Schedule

A Day:

B Day:

Copy of P. E. Syllabus MS 2017-2018

Helpful Resources

Minnesota Department of Education

The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual:

2018 Minnesota Academic Standards in Physical Education