High School Counseling
Welcome to
Stewartville High School Counseling!
The Stewartville High School Counseling Office is a team of 3:
Ms. Pam Iverson - Counselor for students with last names A-L
Please contact her at pamela.iverson@ssdtigers.org
Mrs. Emily Kullot - Counselor for students with last names M-Z
Please contact her at emily.kullot@ssdtigers.org
Mrs. Amy Wangen - Administrative Assistant
You can reach our office at amy.wangen@ssdtigers.org or
Important Forms:
School Profile Click Here
SMSU Eapplication Directions Click Here
SMSU Registration Directions Click Here
To order your transcript as a current student, please click the order transcripts link. Thanks!
Stewartville High School has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. This link will open a new browser.
Important Dates 2024-25
FAFSA night October 23 6pm in the PAC
December 1 FAFSA opens - FAFSA Presentations and Materials
Jan-April Seniors, check website for scholarships
Jan - SPS Scholarships open (through Rochester Area Foundation)
Feb Registration open for School Year 2025-2026!
March 19th 6:30pm in the PAC - College Options Meeting
March 30th SPS Scholarship deadline
Feb-May College in HS Options (PSEO) Information will be posted for 2025-2026 - all forms due May 30
May Seniors: Academic Awards Assembly
June 8th Graduation
June Diploma pick up
June Summer School