Mrs. Slavin

Title 1 Teacher 

     My name is Denise Slavin, and I am the Title I teacher.  I have been instructing students of all ages at Stewartville for 26 years.  I graduated from Winona State University with a degree in  Elementary Education and earned my Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) and Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD) certifications in Special Education.  In addition, I furthered my education by graduating with my Master’s Degree in Teaching and Learning and eventually earned my Reading licensure from St. Mary's University.

My hobbies are enjoy spending time with my family (husband and two girls),  biking, volleyball, boating and reading and learning about how I can effectively remediate reading difficulties with children.  I am always eager to share my skills and knowledge with colleagues and parents and step into another year of reading adventures with students at Bonner Elementary.


Contact Information:

Goggle Number: (507) 944-0725

Upcoming FastBridge TESTING: 

Winter Benchmark dates:
Starting January 8, 2024

Click on the links below:

Letter Sound Practice for Kindergarten - Google Docs 

Word Segmenting Practice for 1st Grade - Google Docs 

Class Expectations:

-Eyes on me

-Lips closed

-Ears listening

-Body to self

Let's learn to ENJOY reading!

Meet Mrs. Slavin

I live in St. Charles with my husband and two daughters.  When I am not at school, I enjoy being outdoors: biking, volleyball, boating and attend sporting events for my girls. 

Here are some of my favorite things:

Food:  Tacos

Books: The Gumazing Gum Girl!  Dream Big Little Pig!

The Pout Pout Fish books such as The Pout Pout Fish and The Pout-Pout in the Big-Big Dark

Color: Teal

Sport:  Volleyball

One Interesting Fact:  I have a twin brother.

What is Title I?

Title I is one of our nation's oldest and largest federal programs.  It has been set up to support elementary and secondary education.  Currently in the United States, around 90 percent of the school systems receive some sort of Title I funding.

A school district qualifies for Title I funding based of the number of low-income families living in the district.  If a school qualifies for Title I, the federal government distributes money to the impacted school districts.  However, it is very important to know that students do not need to be from a low income family to receive the Title I support.  Each district is then able to use its Title I money to support regular education programs to help students meet state standards.  Title I services are not special education services but can be used together.

Which Stewartville Schools Does Title I Serve?

The Title I program serves students at Bonner Elementary Schools who have demonstrated that additional support is needed in the area of reading.  

Title I Programs Generally Offer:

• Additional teachers and paraprofessionals 

• Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need (multi tiered system of support- MTSS)

• A variety of strategies and skills to strengthen students academic needs

• Additional teaching materials to be in addition to the student’s regular instruction

Frequently asked questions:

What does W.I.N. stand for?

W.I.N. is the acronym used at Bonner that stands for “What I Need.”  Each student has different academic needs, so we use this dedicated time to ensure each child is in the correct learning space for their instructional needs.

What does my student miss from their classroom while being in another classroom for W.I.N?

Your student will not be missing any core curriculum (reading, language arts, math science, or social studies) or specials (art, music,  phy ed, or party/holiday celebrations) during this time.  

Will my student have any additional homework?

Students will not have any homework assigned or have any make up work to do if they are absent. 

How does my student qualify?

Bonner uses a system called FASTBridge Learning to assess students.  All students are benchmarked or tested three times a year to identify which students may need additional instruction to meet grade-level goals.  When a student scores below the 20th percentile they may qualify for extra reading.

How does my student exit?

During W.I.N. we continue to use FASTBridge Learning to progress monitor, a frequent assessment to make sure students are making progress.  Once they have reached the goal three to four times they are able to exit and other students may be added.