

Fee includes a Southside Lacrosse shirt that should be worn each week.

The following equipment is mandatory for players to participate:

ALL: mouth guard (available at sport stores throughout Hong Kong as well as in the HKIS Dragon Shop)

GIRLS: Sticks, also goggles for girls ~9 and older. will ship to HK and offer a wide variety of gear for girls only. Southside will have some equipment for sale as well - please indicate your needs below. Sticks will run $400-500 HKD each and goggles $200-300 HKD each.

BOYS: ~9 and older will need full protective gear.

Crosse Alley here in HK has gear for sale

Two large retailers in the US will ship to HK (takes 1-2 weeks + air shipping charges): and Amazon has some equipment also.

Southside will have some equipment for sale as well - please indicate your needs when registering.

Prices will run between $1500-$3000 for a full set (helmet, stick, shoulder and elbow pads and gloves)