NEtwork Performance and Security Research Group @ IMT Lille Douai

NEtwork Performance and Security Research Group @ IMT Lille Douai

Research Goals

Our research at NEPS aims at resolving the tensions between performance and security in different types of computer and communication networks and services, with current focuses on the following scenarios, 

The research topics cover anomaly detection, security management, trust and reputation management, security protocols, and so on. We are endeavored to develop multidisciplinary solutions with provable properties and solid theoretic foundations (e.g., machine learning, data mining, statistics & probability theory,  applied cryptography, software engineering). The designs are prototyped and validated by simulations and experiments using particular tools, platforms and testbeds, ensuring that they can be seamlessly and unobtrusively integrated into the life cycles of the protected assets without incurring performance penalties. 

Team Members

Research Topics

Research Projects

Our Collaborators

