
UWA HSFD — UWA Hyperspectral Face Database: This database contains 145 hyperspectral face images of 78 subjects collected in four sessions over time. Apart from face recognition, it can be used for face detection, band selection, compressed sensing experiments etc.

UWA MIHS — UWA Multi-illuminant Hyperspectral Scene Database: This database contains 33 band hyperspectral images of blocks of different shapes and color under 5 different illuminations. It can be used for spectral reflectance recovery and color constancy experiments from hyperspectral images.

UWA WIHSI — UWA Writing Ink Hyperspectral Image Database: This database contains 33 band hyperspectral images of handwritten notes by 7 subjects using 5 different blue and 5 different black inks. It can be used for ink mismatch detection or ink segmentation in forensic document analysis.