Zk Book Demo

This demo show how to make a simple web project with ZK (zkoss) web framework, EJB3 and Hibernate. This demo also demonstrates how to to the paging in a list of objects via AJAX in ZK web framework. The paging is perfomed via AJAX. I have tested it under JBoss 5.1.0GA application server. The ZK libraries has been removed from the attached archives due to the space saving. You have to add ZK 3.6.2 libraries into the WEB-INF/lib/ directory before you deploy the demo ear.

I have made this project in the Eclipse Gallileo IDE, Java EE release, with ZK Studio Plugin. The plugin is great for coding ZUL files and contains a few nice examples.

Unlike similar examples available on the web, I have not made my own renderer of the Book class for the listbox. It is sufficient to assign the proper model atribute to the listbox. If you have no data before you assign this attribute yet, then just make an empty list and you can assign the data by a listbox.setModel(new SimpleListModel(books)); command later.