
I am an Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure) at Department of Mathematics and Economics, Bryant University. I am also a faculty fellow at the Center of Health and Behavioral Sciences at Bryant University. 

My research areas are Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Labor Economics. 

My teaching interests are Behavioral economics ; Experimental economics; Game theory. 

I received my B.A. from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2006 and I worked as a research assistant at ICES founded by Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith, George Mason University and received my Ph.D. in May 2012. I worked as a Dan Searle Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University from 2012 to 2014. I had my assistant professorship at Sewanee: University of the South between July 2014 to June 2017. I work at Bryant University from July 2017 till Now.