1. Look No Further

This is the index to the "Book-Case Conundrum" pages. I'm writing a novel story called, "The Book-Case Conundrum". [That's just a working title.] I have a page with links to various, "starts," or versions of the first few pages to this novel. There is a link to a synopsis of my story on here.

There's a journal of my writing progress on another page. There's a glossary of some "foreign" words used in the story. I recently (Oct. 2010) stuck a page on here with picture inspiration for my story. [This is a postcard I bought on eBay. I am soliciting help in solving some mysteries about it.] Then I have a feedback page for this story. [The feedback page is on the original website.] Just scroll down this page to see which page you want to read. Any feedback or help will be appreciated!

October 31, 2009 and November 11, 2009 (updated January 29, 2013)

I am transferring my "Osbert Pickle" pages from their original location at www.whatdubhghalldoes.org. The older text on these pages reflects that. Some links on these pages are supposed to open pages on the orignal site. I goofed and they don't always work. I originally set up this site so I could ad to these pages easier, especially the Writing Journal. Our main website www.whatdubhghalldoes.org needs to be rebuilt. I had hoped to rebuild it with a new program. Don't know that it will happen now.

My journey as I write, "The Book-Case Conundrum". This may not make complete sense to you, but you can read it none the less. This page is a sort of journal. As I write, "The Book-Case Conundrum", I keep track of my progress in this journal. I was doing that anyway for my own benefit, and figured I would stick it on here as well.

This page is an index to several versions of the first few pages of the story. It is various rough drafts of the beginning. It shows the experimenting and learning I have done.

A very rough draft of a Synopsis of my Osbert Pickle story.

You might run across some "strange" words in this story. There's a glossary where you can read the definitions. I tried to write this so that you wouldn't need a glossary, but I provide one just in case you want it. As I use a word, I will try and put a picture of the text beside it (if that is warranted) in case your computer won't view the text properly. I've re-written the glossary on January 2, 2007.

A page with some picture inspiration for my story. I bought a postcard on eBay as inspiration for this story. It is interesting and puzzling all at once. Please look at this page and help me solve a mystery.

Lists of songs which happen to be favorites at the moment. I may put more lists on here at some point. Not sure though.

If you'd like to make any comments about the "Book-Case Conundrum", please see the feedback page I did up for it.

I would be interested in knowing what you think of my story. I would like to learn what I need to know to improve it. Any feedback will be very much appreciated!!

This link will take you to the feedback form on the original website.

Test, test, test...