Belarus World Heritage

World Heritage of Belarus is introduced.

※Have been closed down and changed on account of a link place by the information on a link place.

※About an institution without HP, the whereabouts is not clear.

 Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest

UNESCO's list pageHP] (Map

 Mir Castle Complex

UNESCO's list pageMap

 Architectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh

UNESCO's list pageMap

 Struve Geodetic Arc

UNESCO's list page

Tupishki (Map

Lopaty (Map

Osovnitsa (Map

Chekutsk (Map

Leskovichi (Map

※Have been closed down and changed on account of a link place by the information on a link place.

※About an institution without HP, the whereabouts is not clear.




International Airport list in the world
