SC11 BOF: Women in HPC: Community Building

ABSTRACT: Despite the fact that women comprise more than half the world's population, they are underrepresented in high-performance computing. One way to improve gender diversity in HPC is to build communities for women to interact, advise and share success stories to inspire and encourage women at all career levels. We will begin with a presentation on the goals of the session, and information on creating and maintaining a strong community. Participants will then form groups to brainstorm ideas for building communities for women in HPC in local and online settings, as well as at SC. The remainder of the time will be spent discussing the ideas generated in the brainstorming activity, planning ways to implement them, and general discussion related to supporting women in HPC. We hope that attendees will gain new friends and colleagues, and generate more opportunities to interact throughout the year.

TIME: 5:30PM - 7:00PM

SESSION LEADERS: Samantha S. Foley, Rebecca J. Hartman-Baker, Judith C. Hill

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