
Hong Yu Wong is also a musician and music researcher. He plays the violin and viola. He thinks about the philosophy, psychology and biology of music, and has a special interest in historically-inspired performance practice.

Hong Yu continues to study the baroque violin with Mónika Toth, Richard Gwilt, and Simon Standage. He has participated in masterclasses at the Gstaad Baroque Academy, the Accademia Chigiana (Siena), the Stauffer Academy (Cremona), and elsewhere, where he had the opportunity to study with Rachel Podger, Mayumi Hirasaki, Rachael Beesley, Elisa Citterio, Hiro Kurosaki, Enrico Gatti, Gottfried van der Goltz, Balázs Máté, and Andreas Scholl. His chamber music partners include Anders Muskens, Niels Pfeffer, Matthew Gardner, Felix Thiedemann, Martina Trost, János Bali, and Dóra Pétery, amongst others. He sits on the Kuratorium of the vielklang Festival in Tübingen. 

With his friends, a mix of professional musicians and academics, he founded an early music ensemble, the Tractatus Musico-Philosophicus. You can watch an excerpt from their debut at the Tübinger Stiftskirche here: