Version changes

Learn what's new in every version:

Version 3.00

Version 3.00 brings huge under-the-hood changes that are the building blocks for the next versions, and also some very nice features:

iPhone 5 compatible

Wendo is now iPhone 5 compatible. We've changed most screens to fit the new retina better, and gave another option in the task execution screen if you're with the iPhone 5.

Core Data instead of SQLite

The base engine of Wendo has been changed. when you first upgrade Wendo it might take a few seconds to migrate the data. the new engine used is Apple's recommended engine and brings some better memory usage.

Estimated Next Time

In the task execution screen, in addition to the next scheduled date, you will now see the next estimated date according to your latest executions.

Manually scheduled tasks will show the estimated next time according to last executions

Adding comments to executions

It is now possible to ask that every time a task is executed, the comment window will appear and you will be able to write a comment for the execution. This is good if you want additional information on each execution. for example - let's assume that you want to track where you spend your cash. you can create a manual task named "Paying with cash" and enable automatic commenting.

Now - every time you pay with cash, you will mark the task as done and in the comment write the amount and what you bought with it.

Save executions in calendar

Every task can now be set to save executions in the calendar. this can make it easier to track and search for past executions even when you are not inside Wendo.

In-App purchase - no Ads

You will now be able to upgrade Wendo to a premium account and get rid of the ads. the premium account will also grant you other options in future versions.

Generally you can look at it as a donation to the programer that spent a lot of time writing the code with almost no return (no, you do not get a lot of money from ads...)

New recurrence options

You can now create a reminder to be set every N minutes, and also ask for a reminder to happen N times a day, between certain hours. this is perfect if you need to take a pill 3/4/5 times a day, and you don't want to create 3-5 different reminders for it... this can also be used for breast feeding etc...

Version 2.41

Latest execution statistics

Wendo will now show you the statistics of the 5 latest execution in the statistics page, and will compare them to the statistics of the entire set.

Go to the task information screen, and tap on one of the table rows, the view will change and will show statistics for the latest executions:

tap once again - and you will go back to the see statistics of all you task history.

You can change the number of recent executions that will be seen, and you can make this view default using the settings page

Version 2.40

Export task information

You can now send yourself an email with all the information about the history of a task.

From the task information screen, just press the export button

And Wendo will let you send an email with the task information. the email will also contain 2 attachments:

1. An HTML file that contains the same information as in the email

2. A CSV file that contains the information in a format that can be imported to Excel. (if you don't know how read here)

Notice that the HTML file is in HTML5 format and might not look perfect in IE8 and below. Chrome is the best option to see it well.

Here is a preview of how it looks:

Add comments to executions

You can now add custom comments to every task execution. to do so, go to the task history screen press the line that you would like to add a comment to, and hold the press for a couple of seconds

You will be able to add comments to the task execution which will be available both in the task history screen and in the Task report when you export the task.

Tasks with duration (stop/start tasks)

A task can now be set to record its duration. that's a great feature if you want to know how much time something takes you to do (e.g. - running, going to work etc...).

When opening a new task you can now ask to record a duration of a task

When record duration is on, instead of "Mark as done" in the task execution screen, you will have a "Start task" button

Once you've started the task, you will see the current duration of the task and will be able to finish the task

After finishing the task you will be able to see the average, minimum and maximum duration for the task in the task information screen

and the task length in the task history screen

Note - after a task has been created and executed at least once, The "record duration" setting cannot be changed.

Version 2.00

New task information

now, except for the graphs you will get statistics on your tasks

  • Number of times task has been done

  • Average time that passes between task execution

  • Average time between the original plan and actual execution of a task

  • Average hour when a task is really done

More things you can do

By long tapping on the "mark as done" button you can -

    • Mark as done (normally)

    • Mark as done retro-actively (mark as done in the past)

    • Ask Wendo to remind you later (snooze)

    • Skip the next occurrence, so that you won't be bothered this time

New history page

We've completely redesigned the history page to better show you when

    • A task has been executed

    • A task has been skipped

    • A task has been disabled or enabled

    • A task was missed

    • A task was done in addition to the plan

More settings - missed executions

You can now configure if Wendo automatically identifies missed tasks or not (On by default)

A task is considered missed if it was scheduled, and before done, another occurrence is supposed to be done

And there are many more small tweaks that we've added :)