
Summary: In 2008, David and Kimberly ran a "Gygaxian Grinder" in memory of Gary Gygax's death and using the clichés and characters from the 1980's Dungeons and Dragons television show. In 2010 we're doing it again, this time with the Nac Mac Feegle (Wee Free Men) of Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

System: Instead of D20, this year we'll be using the mechanics from the demented indie RPG system Don't Rest Your Head, by Fred Hicks and Evil Hat Productions; however all applicable rules will be found right on this site! Click the link above for the original product (available in print or PDF versions for purchase). This adaptation is done with permission and in no way is meant to infringe on the copyright of Mr Hicks and EHP.

Location: 1306 E. 118th Street in southern KCMO

Date: Yan Tan Teth'ra... errr, 1, 2, 3.... what we mean to say is, January 23rd, 2010 (a Saturday)! We'll probably start around 9AM and go until it's not funny any more, or 2AM, whichever comes first. Feegles should not expect to 'live' throughout the entire day, so you don't have to commit to being there the entire day if you have other things going on. There will probably be chances to rejoin, however, should you so wish.

Dungeon Masters: Kimberly (featherynscale) and David (triadruid).

Players: Jamie, Kit, Lizzy, Larry, Jack, Brian ... you?