
Way-finding is a term associated with the mechanics of providing a person with the ability to find his or her way to a given destination or specific point within a complex facility. Unfortunately, way-finding is a component either entirely left out of many sign systems or done so poorly as to be almost totally ineffective in terms of user friendliness.

Since the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the importance of proper way-finding has once again come to the forefront.

Many sign companies do an adequate job of visually addressing way-finding but lack the experience and understanding of decision points to effectively design a way-finding system. One common mistake for instance, is to create and install a system that gets one into the facility, but not back out.

Sign Solutions has not only manufactured, but also designed hundreds of way-finding systems. We are well versed in evaluating and recommending way-finding packages that make facilities easy to navigate and visitors comfortable within the surroundings. Our services include consulting as well as design and installation of the finished product.