
October 10th - Blocks Workshop

October 11th (Wednesday) - Main Conference

8:00 - 9:00 Registration open, Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30 Welcome, Opening Keynote

Chair: Emerson Murphy-Hill

Emerging Paradigms for CS Education and Their Implications for Visual Languages

Dr. Ben Shapiro

11:00 - 12:05 Session 1: Software Engineering Navigation

Chair: Thomas LaToza

Foraging Goes Mobile: Foraging While Debugging on Mobile Devices (Long) (Honorable Mention)

David Piorkowski, Sean Penney, Austin Henley, Marco Pistoia, Margaret Burnett, Omer Tripp and Pietro Ferrara

Flower: Navigating Program Flow in the IDE (Short)

Justin Smith, Chris Brown and Emerson Murphy-Hill

Exploring Exploratory Programming (Short)

Mary Beth Kery and Brad Myers

Facilitating End-User Developers by Estimating Time Cost of Foraging a Webpage (Short)

Xiaoyu Jin, Nan Niu and Michael Wagner

12:05 - 12:30 Showpiece Previews

Chair: Sandeep Kaur Kuttal

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (Lunch on your own)

(PC meeting: 13:00-14:00)

14:00 - 15:30 Session 2: Software Understanding

Chair: Jácome Cunha

Towards Better Code Snippets: Exploring How Code Snippet Recall Differs with Programming Experience (Short)

Michelle Ichinco and Caitlin Kelleher

Understanding Recurring Quality Problems and Their Impact on Code Sharing in Block-Based Software (Long)

Peeratham Techapalokul and Eli Tilevich

A Study of the Effectiveness of Usage Examples in REST API Documentation (Long)

S. M. Sohan, Frank Maurer, Craig Anslow and Martin Robillard

MOONSTONE: Support for Understanding and Writing Exception Handling Code (Long)

Florian Kistner, Mary Beth Kery, Michael Puskas, Steven Moore and Brad Myers

What makes a task difficult? An Empirical Study of Perceptions of Task Difficulty (Short)

Rafael Leano, Souti Chattopadhyay and Anita Sarma

16:00 - 17:25 Session 3: Software Engineering Tools

Chair: David Piorkowski

Refactoring-Aware Code Review (Long)

Xi Ge, Saurabh Sarkar, Jim Witschey and Emerson Murphy-Hill

Debugging Behaviour of Embedded-Software Developers: An Exploratory Study (Short)

Pansy Arafa, Daniel Solomon, Samaneh Navabpour and Sebastian Fischmeister

The Usability of Task Modeling Tools (Short)

Markel Vigo, Carmen Santoro and Fabio Paternò

Evaluating How Static Analysis Tools Can Reduce Code Review Effort (Short)

Devarshi Singh, Varun Sekar, Kathryn Stolee and Brittany Johnson

TraceDiff: Debugging Unexpected Code Behavior Using Trace Divergences (Long)

Ryo Suzuki, Gustavo Soares, Andrew Head, Elena Glassman, Ruan Reis, Melina Mongiovi, Loris D’antoni and Björn Hartmann

18:00 - 21:00 Showpieces Exhibition and Reception at the Nature Research Center

Chasing the AHA! Moment: Exploring Initial Learnability of Programming Languages

Brian Frey, Juliana Doddridge and Carolyn Seaman

Visual End-User Programming in Smart Homes: Complexity and Performance

Michaela Reisinger, Johann Schrammel and Peter Fröhlich

An AI-based Interactive Tool for Spreadsheet Debugging

Thomas Schmitz and Dietmar Jannach

Towards Block Code Examples that Help Young Novices Notice Critical Elements

Michelle Ichinco and Caitlin Kelleher

Quality Hound — an Online Code Smell Analyzer for Scratch Programs

Peeratham Techapalokul and Eli Tilevich

iSnap Demonstration

Thomas Price and Tiffany Barnes

Discovery-based Praxes: Chanelling the User- Interface of an Industrial-Strength Programming Environment to Formally Teach Programming

Prasun Dewan

Visualising Melbourne Pedestrian Count

Humphrey Obie, Caslon Chua, Iman Avazpour, Mohamed Abdelrazek and John Grundy

TAPASPlay: A Game-Based Learning approach to foster Computation Thinking Skills

Alessio Malizia, Tommaso Turchi, David Bell, Daniela Fogli and Federico Danesi

October 12th (Thursday) - Main Conference

9:00 - 10:30 Most Influential Papers

Chair: John Howse

Metacognitive theories of visual programming: what do we think we are doing? (VL 1996)

Alan Blackwell

Mica: A Web-Search Tool for Finding API Components and Examples (VL/HCC 2006)

Jeffrey Stylos and Brad Myers

11:00 - 11:50 Session 4: Spreadsheets and Users

Chair: Scott Fleming

A Decomposition-Based Approach to Spreadsheet Testing and Debugging (Short)

Thomas Schmitz, Dietmar Jannach, Birgit Hofer, Patrick Koch, Konstantin Shchekotykhin and Franz Wotawa

Systematic Spreadsheet Construction Processes (Short)

Jorge Mendes, Jácome Cunha, Francisco Duarte, Gregor Engels, João Saraiva and Stefan Sauer

How Software Users Recommend Tools to Each Other (Long)

Chris Brown, Justin Middleton, Esha Sharma and Emerson Murphy-Hill

12:00 - 14:00 Lunch (on your own)

12:00 - 14:00 (SC meeting)

14:00 - 15:30 Session 5: Empirical Studies

Chair: Andy Ko

Gender HCI and Microsoft: Highlights from a Longitudinal Study (Short)

Margaret Burnett, Robin Counts, Ronette Lawrence and Hannah Hanson

Expressions on the Nature and Significance of Programming and Play (Long)

Titus Barik

Spreadsheet Practices and Challenges in a Large Multinational Conglomerate (Long)

Justin Smith, Justin Middleton and Nicholas Kraft

Visual language for Smart Spaces: End-User Programming between Data-Flow and Form-Filling (Short)

Michaela Reisinger, Johann Schrammel and Peter Fröhlich

16:00 - 17:30 Session 6: Learning

Chair: Alessio Malizia

HappyFace: Identifying and Predicting Frustrating Obstacles for Learning Programming at Scale (Long)

Ian Drosos, Philip Guo and Chris Parnin

An Exploratory Study of the Usage of Different Educational Resources in an Independent Context (Long) (Best Paper)

Wint Hnin, Michelle Ichinco and Caitlin Kelleher

Predicting Abandonment in Online Coding Tutorials (Long)

An Yan, Michael Lee and Andrew Ko

How Block Categories Affect Learner Satisfaction with a Block-Based Programming Interface (Short)

Fernando Rodríguez, Kimberly Price, Joseph Isaac Jr., Kristy Boyer and Christina Gardner-McCune

AgentDesign: A Tool to Scaffold Software Design for Elementary Students (Short)

Ian Her Many Horses

18:30 - 22:30 Social Event & Banquet at The Bridge Club

October 13th (Friday) - Main Conference

9:00 - 10:30 Session 7: Communication & Motivation

Chair: Margaret Burnett

Cheap talk, cooperation, and trust in global software engineering - An evolutionary game theory model with empirical support

Yi Wang, David Redmiles. Journal: Empirical Software Engineering 21(6): 2233-2267 (2016). Journal-First presentation.

Metacommunication Between Programmers Through an Application Programming Interface: A semiotic analysis of date and time APIs (Long)

João Bastos, Luiz Afonso and Clarisse de Souza

A Case Study of Motivations for Corporate Contribution to FOSS (Long)

Iftekhar Ahmed, Darren Forrest and Carlos Jensen

Workers who use spreadsheets and who program earn more than similar workers who do neither (Short)

Christopher Scaffidi

Someone Like Me: How Does Peer Parity Influence Participation of Women on Stack Overflow? (Short)

Denae Ford, Alisse Harkins and Chris Parnin

11:00 - 12:05 Session 8: Diagrams and Notation

Chair: Marian Petre

Visualizing OWL 2 Using Diagrams (Long)

Gem Stapleton, Michael Compton and John Howse

Visual Logics Help People: An Evaluation of Diagrammatic, Textual and Symbolic Notations (Short)

Eisa Alharbi, John Howse, Gem Stapleton, Ali Hamie and Anestis Touloumis

Visualizing Serverless Cloud Application Logs for Program Understanding (Short)

Kerry Chang and Stephen Fink

Support for learning while debugging in a distributed visual programming language (Short)

Laxmi Ganesan, Christopher Scaffidi and Andrew Dove

12:05 - 14:00 Lunch (on your own)

12:10 - 14:00 (SC meeting)

14:00 - 15:30 Session 9: Novel Interfaces

Chair: Caitlin Kelleher

End-user Development for the Internet of Things OR How can a (smart) light bulb be so complicated? (Short)

Bruno Chagas, David Redmiles and Clarisse de Souza

Investigating Uni-Stroke Gesture Input for Diagram Editors on Large Wall-Mounted Touch-Screens (Short)

Christian Schenk, Sonja Schimmler and Mark Minas

Syntax-Directed Keyboard Extension: Evolution and Evaluation (Short)

Islam Almusaly, Ronald Metoyer and Carlos Jensen

Text Entry Using Five to Seven Physical Keys (Short)

Elliot Lockerman, Shuobi Wu, Ariel Rao, Jarret Lin, Neil Bantoc and Brad Myers

Understanding user perceptions of privacy, and configuration challenges in home automation (Short)

Kim Kaaz, Alex Hoffer, Mahsa Saeidi, Anita Sarma and Rakesh Bobba

NeuroBlock: A Block-Based Programming Approach to Neurofeedback Application Development (Short)

Chris Crawford and Juan E. Gilbert

16:00 - 17:30 Closing Keynote; Conference Close

Chair: Emerson Murphy-Hill

Value-driven Learning: Decoding and Building upon Playful Computing Education

Dr. Betsy DiSalvo

October 14th - VL/HCC Graduate Consortium (by invitation)

Bruno Chagas, End-User Design for the Internet of Things: Supporting incremental evolution through breakdowns

Christian Schenk, An Approach to Gesture-based Editing of Diagrams

Humphrey Obie, Data-Driven Visualisations that Make Sense

Brian Frey, Moving from the Known to the Unknown to Measure the Initial Learnability of Programming Languages

David Samudio, Idiomata: Direct Manipulation of Code through Idiomatic Views

Denae Ford, Using Eye Tracking to Identify Features of Peer Parity on Stack Overflow

Greg Nelson, Comprehension-First Pedagogy and Adaptive, Intrinsically Motivated Tutorials

Mary Beth Kery, Tools to Support Exploratory Programming with Data

Toby Jia-Jun Li, End User Mobile Task Automation using Multimodal

Souti Chattopadhyay, Context in Exploratory Programming: Towards a Theoretical Framework

Wint Hnin, Personalized Learning Pathways Using Code Puzzles for Novice Programmers