
I was born in Santiago de Chile in May 1987. I have a 15 years old son named Pablo. I attended my primary school in Colegio Particular n°1 de Ñuñoa and my secondary in Liceo José Victorino Lastarria.

I was graduated of Industrial Engineer and Ms.C. in Operations Management in 2014 at the Universidad de Chile. I began my Ph.d. that year researching about Stackelberg games at large scale. I obtained my Ph.D. on September 1st, 2017, supervised by Fernando Ordoñez.

I worked two years as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles working on Bi-level optimization problems with Martine Labbé. Currently I am working at the Data Analytics lab and MOBI research center at the faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel with Tias Guns. My current research topic is learning for hard combinatorial optimization problems and efficient algorithms to solve difficult prediction + optimization problems.