DDoS Black and White Kungfu Revealed (DEF CON 20 edition): Mission Completed

Post date: Jul 29, 2012 6:08:29 PM

We have successfully made a speech at DEF CON about our latest research and survey, hopefully we could

trigger people and enterprise to think about layer-7 http vulnerability may be a small hole, however,

it could bring a huge impact with our core attack concept covered in part 2 via manipulating both

HTTP vulnerabilities and TCP state. Latest slide is attached in this post. We will do it for other country for part 1.

Again, as a founder of VXRL, I am congratulating MT (the project chief), Avenir and Captain to be DEF CON speakers, which

is a prestige in security and hacking research area. We are the only speaker team from Hong Kong or even China this year and

speak at this top hacker conference, meanwhile, this year is a DEF CON 20th anniversary. It is a starting point, please keep moving.


Darkfloyd, founder of VXRL