
I am interested in concurrency theory, semantics of programming languages, probabilistic processes, mathematical logic.

As a postdoc, I have been working in the Quareme and Repas projects, with Matteo Mio, and in the Covece project, led by Damien Pous.

I have pursued my PhD studies in Computer Science at the University of Bologna, supervised by Davide Sangiorgi. In May 2017 I have successfully defended my PhD thesis, which is devoted to behavioral equivalences for higher-order languages with probabilities.

From February to July 2016 I have joined the Comète research team at Inria Saclay/Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. I have worked on proof techniques for metrics on probabilistic processes, supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi.

In my Master Thesis I have studied the discriminating power of higher-order process algebras, under the supervision of Giovanna Corsi and Davide Sangiorgi.