Extra Credit


    1. Extra credit will only be awarded to students who receive a score of 93% or higher on Lab 4 and Project 1.
    2. Students must participate in the design of the extra credit project.
    3. Students are responsible for staying on track and seeking help when necessary.


    1. It is STRONGLY recommended that students submit a completed Project 1 assignment before beginning work on any extra credit.
    2. It is recommended that students submit a brief (bullet list or 1-2 paragraphs) proposal of the suggested extra credit work to the instructor before beginning work. The instructor will provide feedback and indicate how many extra credit points will be awarded for the proposed work.
    3. Students may work in teams of 2 on the extra credit portion provided that both students have submitted a completed Project 1 assignment (including a demonstration).

Suggested Topics

    1. Improve your search algorithm.
    2. Add additional features to your site.
    3. Integrate existing web services (such as google, flickr, or facebook) into your application, for example use Google's authentication mechanism to authenticate users of your service.
    4. Develop a mobile client for your application.