
The club owns a plethora of mountaineering and climbing equipment for use by our members. You can check this gear out by contacting the gear officer. You will be required to leave a check/ID as a deposit. We ask that you return the gear as quickly as possible and in the same condition as you received it. Gear can be picked up from the gear officers at meetings and returned at meetings. Certain equipment such as ropes, quickdraws, ice axes, ice screws, etc. can only be checked out to members who have demonstrated proficiency and proper safety technique in these areas. You can gain these skills, and demonstrate your proficiency by attending training clinics.

If you are curious about what equipment we have please ask the officers.

Checking out Equipment

You should check out gear in advance of when you need it. With very short notice, there is very little we can do to get you the equipment you need.

    1. Contact the gear officer and tell them what equipment you would like.

    2. Bring a check as a deposit for the gear to the next meeting.

    3. Return the equipment in it's original condition at the next meeting.

      • IF THE GEAR HAS BEEN DAMAGED PLEASE TELL US! Don't endanger other people!

      • If you have any concerns about the safety of the gear please tell us. We strive to keep our equipment in good condition, but you should inspect the gear yourself before you use it and tell us if you have any questions.

    4. Get your check back.

Deposit checks will NOT be cashed unless the equipment is not returned. If you are not qualified to use the equipment, the gear officer may refuse to check it out to you.