
Various Perl Trickery






Right Here

Been coding in Perl for ages. Here's a section for various handy tidbits I come-up with. It may grow, if I remember to add stuff.

See Also Drone Machine

This script spends all day choosing and playing random ambient sounds from based on a list of keywords.

Update: This has become a 24/7 Autonomous Pirate TV Stream

DronesoundTV: 24/7 Autonomous Pirate TV Stream Project: Info, video intro, and geek stuff

Original article follows...

Requirements: Perl 5, curl and "play" (i.e. "sox") or equivalent experience



# ----------------------------------------------------

# Soundmonkey for tiny Linuxes, preview version

# @diemastermonkey / @garyd

# Required:

# A FreeSound API key - get one here:


# curl, play (sox) - or edit $Get and $Player

# /bin/sh (forked)


# Optional:

# Add keywords in keywords.txt

# Edit output format in format.txt


# To do / missing features

# Almost no error checking

# Cache expirey - it grows forever

# Connect it to outside world

# ----------------------------------------------------


# Default search keywords

my @Keywords = split (/\s+/,

"drone droning ambiance ambience shortwave");

# Settings

my $Get="/usr/bin/curl --silent -o -";

my $Token=`cat token.txt`; # Brutal, no err check


my $Format=`cat format.txt`; # No err check

my $Player="/usr/bin/play -q \"cache/_SOUNDID_.ogg\""

." gain -n 1.5" # vs norm is faster

." fade _FIN_ _RIDE_ _FOUT_"

." pitch _PITCH_"

." echo _EIN_ _EGAIN_ _ETIME_ _EOUT_";

my $Host="";

my $Search="search/text/?query=_KEYWORD_&token=$Token"

."&filter=duration:\\[30\%20TO\%20120\\]"; # Ware tricky escaping

my $Download="$Get \"_AUDIOURL_\" > cache/_SOUNDID_.ogg";

my $Info="sounds/_SOUNDID_/?token=$Token";

my $Touch="/usr/bin/touch "; # filename wll be appended

my %Listings; # Search listing cache

# Get single-instance field from sound detail

# ------------------------------------------------------

sub fnField {

$field = shift (@_);

$data = shift (@_);

$match = "n/a";

$match = $1 if (

$data =~ /\"$field\"\:\s\"*([^\\\"]+)\"*\,/


return ($match);


# Cache a set of keyword query results to disk

# ------------------------------------------------------

sub fnCacheWrite {

my $word = shift (@_);

my $data = shift (@_);

open (OUT, ">cache/$word.cache")

or die ("\nFatal: Can't write cache/$word.cache .\n");

print (OUT $data);

close (OUT);


# Read a cache

# ------------------------------------------------------

sub fnCacheRead {

my $word = shift (@_);

open (IN, "<cache/$word.cache")

or die ("\nFatal: Can't read cache/$word.cache.\n");

my $data = <IN>;

close (IN);

# Crudely update timestamp for cache expirey

$ignored = `$Touch cache/$word.cache`;

return ($data);


# Sound player

# ------------------------------------------------------

sub fnPlay {

my $cmd = shift (@_);

open (PLAY, "|/bin/sh|")

or die ("\nFatal: Can't open player with $Player\n");

print (PLAY "$cmd \&");

close (PLAY);


# Mainline

# ------------------------------------------------------

# Append contents of 'keywords.txt' if exists

if (-r "keywords.txt") {

$raw = `cat keywords.txt`; # Brutal

push (@Keywords, split (/\n+|\s+|\,/, $raw));


# Append keywords from cmd line if any

if (grep(s/\=//, @ARGV)) {

@Keywords = @ARGV; # Override all with =keyword

} else { # Else append all (or none)

push (@Keywords, shift (@ARGV)) if (@ARGV);


# Make cache dir if no exist

unless (-d "cache") { `mkdir cache` };

# Loop forever (to do: num runs on cmdline)

while (true) {

# Choose a keyword search

$KeywordIndex = int(rand(@Keywords));

$Keyword = @Keywords[$KeywordIndex];

$Query = "$Host/$Search";

$Query =~ s/_KEYWORD_/$Keyword/g;

# Prefer cached results

if (-r "cache/$Keyword.cache") { # Cache exists on disk

$WasCached = 1;

$Listing = fnCacheRead($Keyword);

} else {

$WasCached = 0;

$Listing = `$Get \"$Query\"`;

$Listings{$Keyword} = $Listing; # Memory cache

fnCacheWrite ($Keyword, $Listing); # Add to cache


# Grok search listing

$Sounds = $1 if ($Listing =~ /\"count\"\:\s*(\d+)\,/);

@ListingFields = split (/\,/, $Listing);

@SoundIDs = grep (/\"id\"\:\s\d+/, @ListingFields);

@SoundIDs = grep (s/\D+//g, @SoundIDs);

# Pick a sound ID

$Selected = @SoundIDs[int(rand(scalar(@SoundIDs)))];

# New: Prefer cached sound metadata

if (-r "cache/$Selected-data.cache") {

# Exists in cache

$SoundMeta = fnCacheRead("$Selected\-data");

} else {

# Get the sound metadata record

$Query = "$Host/$Info";

$Query =~ s/_SOUNDID_/$Selected/g;

$SoundMeta = `$Get \"$Query\"`;

fnCacheWrite ("$Selected\-data", $SoundMeta); # Add to cache


# HQ $SoundPreview = fnField ("preview-hq-ogg", $SoundMeta);

$SoundPreview = fnField ("preview-lq-ogg", $SoundMeta);

$SoundAuthor = fnField ("username", $SoundMeta);

$SoundName = fnField ("name", $SoundMeta);

$SoundDesc = fnField ("description", $SoundMeta);

$SoundLength = fnField ("duration", $SoundMeta);

$SoundRating = fnField ("avg_rating", $SoundMeta);

$SoundLicense = fnField ("license", $SoundMeta);

$SoundURL = fnField ("url", $SoundMeta);

# Info

# Rating: $SoundRating");

# print ("\nAudio : $SoundPreview");

printf ($Format,

$Selected, # id

$SoundAuthor, # author

$SoundLength, # len

$Keyword, # keyword

$SoundName, # title

$SoundLicense,# license

$SoundURL, # URL

$SoundDesc # desc


# Crude audio cache

if (-r "cache/$Selected.ogg") {

# To do: expire old caches

} else { # BruteCache (tm)

$Query = $Download;

$Query =~ s/_AUDIOURL_/$SoundPreview/g;

$Query =~ s/_SOUNDID_/$Selected/g;

print ("\nBruteCaching(tm)...\r");

$SoundMeta = `$Query`;


# Kludge special effects parms

$FadeIn = $SoundLength / 5;

$FadeOut = $SoundLength / 3;

# $FadeRide = $FadeIn * 4;

$FadeRide = 0; # Makes ride all remaining len?

$Pitch = -1 * int(rand(2000)); # Hardwired pitch-down range

$EchoIn = 0.01 + rand(0.2);

$EchoGain = 0.01 + rand(0.2);

$EchoTime = rand(5000);

$EchoOut = 0.01 + rand(0.2);

# Play the preview and wait

$Play = $Player;

$Play =~ s/_SOUNDID_/$Selected/g;

$Play =~ s/_FIN_/$FadeIn/g;

$Play =~ s/_RIDE_/$FadeRide/g;

$Play =~ s/_FOUT_/$FadeOut/g;

$Play =~ s/_PITCH_/$Pitch/g;

$Play =~ s/_EIN_/$EchoIn/g;

$Play =~ s/_EGAIN_/$EchoGain/g;

$Play =~ s/_ETIME_/$EchoTime/g;

$Play =~ s/_EOUT_/$EchoOut/g;

# Use new play via shell pipe

print ("\r \rPlaying... \n"); # Pre-erases

fnPlay ($Play);

# Wait for 1/Xth length of the audio

print ("\rResting...\n");

sleep (int ($SoundLength / 5));

print ("\rChoosing...\n");




| Id %-7d by %-21.21s %3.0f seconds | %20.20s |

| +----------------------+

| %-70s |

| %-70s |

| %-70s |




background background-sound

environment environmental environmental-sounds-research


weather rain storm thunderstorm

outside nature forest rain

tv television radio tuner

symphony orchestra theatre tuning

windchimes violin cello strings orchestral



Run Count Tracker Trick


# This script tracks its own run count!

# Funky, huh? @garyd 20150227

# Read self, get and increment run number

$me = `cat $0`; # Brute but fast

$run = 1 + $1 if ($me =~ /^# Run (\d+)/m); # or 0

$me =~ s/^# Run \d+/# Run $run/gmo;

open (OUT, ">$0") or die ("Ack!");

print (OUT $me);

close (OUT); # Superfluous?

print ("\nHello, run # $run");

# Run 24

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

perl -e 'print((ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS,LIZARD,SPOCK)[rand(5)]);'


/\/\3rry chr1s7ma5

Care to guess what it does?

#!/usr/bin/perl -X .:!5am7s1rhc yrr3\/\/:.








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and Efi1.eV01 and s

/X-.*/\n/g and #'


and YPp^h and

oH.Oh and #

print and#


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1x3 and






For external use only. Do not operate machinery while under the influence of this web site.