
ebooks on Bible Teachings

newest projects of 2008 are: "Den of Thieves", Hideout for Bad Habits, and Reports for Believing.

Reports For Believing by Jerry V. McMichael

Dedicated to John Quinn, a friend and former Naval Air shipmate, and millions more like him, of the churched and unchurched variety and in the majority, captive to the world’s philosophy who attempt to define their own status and standing in the sight of God indendent of the Bible as the sole criterion for faith and practice. “We are the sheep of His people, and the people of His land” regardless of our statements of defiance and independence, and ultimate and inevitable accountablity will be given to this LORD God and Creator of the universe. While not a popular word “in the world”, God Himself through the pages of the Bible defines these millions as unbelievers. {Not friendly and good company for millions!} “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) REPORTS FOR BELIEVING, like the other ebooks in the Bible Teaching series listed below, are based on exegesis of Bible Scriptures, sometimes topical and sometimes more textual. REPORTS is centered around Isaiah 53:1, “Who has believed our report”, as quoted by both Jesus and the Apostle Paul, with all of its implications for unbelievers today, and others with lack of faith and “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3); for where can you draw the line between unbelief and lack of faith and the faith, whether among church members or the unchurched!Bible Teaching Series of Ebooks.

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NOTE: Live Green, think Green, and Read Green with ebooks from SunGrist_Bible and save trees. {We have a few backup hard copies of these books if you insist or don’t have a computer and Adobe PDF.}

1. Some Sounds of Sound Faith.

2. Snatching, Stumbling, and the Falling Away.

3. A Cup of Water.

4. What the Churches Don’t Want You to Hear!

5. Friends of Jesus, John 13-17.

6. Hideout for Bad Habits, II Timothy 3,4.

7. Reports for Believing.

Additional Websites for SunGrist_Bible: www.biblecombibleman.com and www.sungristbible.com