TDD with Acceptance Tests and Unit Tests

Posted by Uncle Bob on 10/17/2007

Test Driven Development is one of the most imperative tenets of Agile Software Development. It is difficult to claim that you are Agile, if you are not writing lots of automated test cases, and writing them before you write the code that makes them pass.

But there are two different kinds of automated tests recommended by the Agile disciplines. Unit tests, which are written by programmers, for programmers, in a programming language. And acceptance tests, which are written by business people (and QA), for business people, in a high level specification language (like FitNesse

The question is, how should developers treat these two streams of tests? What is the process? Should they write their unit tests and production code first, and then try to get the acceptance tests to pass? Or should they get the acceptance tests to pass and then backfill with unit tests?

And besides, why do we need two streams of tests. Isn’t all that testing awfully reduntant?

It’s true that the two streams of tests test the same things. Indeed, that’s the point. Unit tests are written by programers to ensure that the code does what they intend it to do. Acceptance tests are written by business people (and QA) to make sure the code does what they intend it to do. The two together make sure that the business people and programmers intend the same thing.

Of course there’s also a difference in level. Unit tests reach deep into the code and test independent units. Indeed, programmers must go to great lengths to decouple the components of the system in order to test them independently. Therefore unit tests seldom exercise large integrated chunks of the system.

Acceptance tests, on the other hand, operate on much larger integrated chunks of the system. They typically drive the system from it’s inputs (or a point very close to it’s inputs) and verify operation from it’s outputs (or again, very close to it’s outputs). So, though the acceptance tests may be testing the same things as the unit tests, the execution pathways are very different.


Acceptance tests should be written at the start of each iteration. QA and Business analysts should take the stories chosen during the planning meeting, and turn them into automated acceptance tests written in FitNesse, or Selenium or some other appropriate automation tool.

The first few acceptance tests should arrive within a day of the planning meeting. More should arrive each day thereafter. They should all be complete by the midpoint of the iteration. If they aren’t, then some developers should change hats and help the business people finish writing the acceptance tests.

Using developers in this way is an automatic safety valve. If it happens too often, then we need to add more QA or BA resources. If it never happens, we may need to add more programmers.

Programmers use the acceptance tests as requirements. They read those tests to find out what their stories are really supposed to do.

Programmers start a story by executing the acceptance tests for that story, and noting what fails. Then they write unit tests that force them to write the code that will make some small portion of the acceptance tests pass. They keep running the acceptance tests to see how much of their story is working, and they keep adding unit tests and production code until all the acceptance tests pass.

At the end of the iteration all the acceptance tests (and unit tests) are passing. There is nothing left for QA to do. There is no hand-off to QA to make sure the system does what it is supposed to. The acceptance tests already prove that the system is working.

This does not mean that QA does not put their hands on the keyboards and their eyes on the screen. They do! But they don’t follow manual test scripts! Rather, they perform exploratory testing. They get creative. They do what QA people are really good at—they find new and interesting ways to break the system. They uncover unspecified, or under-specified areas of the system.

ASIDE: Manual testing is immoral. Not only is it high stress, tedious, and error prone; it’s just wrong to turn humans into machines. If you can write a script for a test procedure, then you can write a program to execute that procedure. That program will be cheaper, faster, and more accurate than a human, and will free the human to do what humans to best: create!

So, in short, the business specifies the system with automated acceptance tests. Programmers run those tests to see what unit tests need to be written. The unit tests force them to write production code that passes both tests. In the end, all the tests pass. In the middle of the iteration, QA changes from writing automated tests, to exploratory testing.


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